CJ for Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

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CJ for Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

YAY.. I can now post my Campaign Journal based on my home game i run every other week.. The first few posts will be me going over the realm, some of the HR's and the like. THEN i will post the journal itself.

A while back i made a realm of sorts (well more of a continent) which was the new adventuring realm. After several campaigns on it, i redid some of the backround and what was there... Here is what i have after 'regoing back yet again'..

The continent of Kervasis Kalomm is massive. It has a East to West distance of 2100 miles, and a North to South distance of 1540 miles. Of this, only the eastern quadrant has been settled/mapped out in any way.
To the central north, is a small island chain (3 islands) ranging in size from 225 miles for the largest in size to 78 miles for the small one. The large of these islands has 7 mountains and one 20 or so mile diameter forest, with mostly pine trees and other cold weather trees.
Open plains and several long river systems mark the Northwest. No forests or mountains dot its openness but the whole area is dotted by small (4-5 mile sized) lakes.
The largest forest on Kervasis Kalomm marks the Southeast. With a north/south length of almost 480 miles, and an east/west length of 420 miles, its mass is awe inspiring, and It also is home to the only Elvin nation in the area (for more on them see below in people). In addition, a single 180-mile diameter lake with a centralized island of 30 miles pockets the area. Of note, is a single castle like structure in the dead center of the island, which the local Elves have shown much fear for.
The area of the Southeast is the only area, which has been settled and civilized. 5 moderate sized cities, 4 towns and 17 villages dot the landscape heading all the way to the Mirxa river, which comes down in a south easterly manner from the mountain range, going all the way to the ocean.
The Northeast is marked by a long and winding mountain range. This mountain range houses 2 active and 5 inactive volcanoes, though those 2 active ones erupt only once in each century. 2 more towns and one mining city (which sends out people and gear to the 8 mines in the area) make the only other signs of civilization in the nation of Kalomm.
The central part of Kervasis Kalomm is marked by the massive inland sea; the local elves have dubbed the Vul-Gre. It is marked with 7 islands inside its expansive size, 1 of which has its own volcano.

The weather for the most part in the nation of Kalomm is temperate. The northlands all suffer from extreme cold during the winter months though. No deserts mar the landscape, showing that the temperature does not go into the excesses but the humidity, especially in the Southwestern lands does get pervasive.

Kervasis Kalomm was a continent of much wealth and people. Several large civilizations marked the landscape, 2 of which were havens for magical studies and learning. Then over 7000 years ago, something happened that wiped out all human (and Dwarven/halfling/gnome) life. 1300 years after that, the first Elf community showed up in Kalomm. They found some remnants of the previous civilizations, and many horrors that seemed to keep them isolated to the massive forest area of Teel’cpa. The local Orcs have always feared it, and since it’s occupation by the elves, have shunned the area even more. In the recent 120 years, humans have re-appeared, settling the Southeastern area, and in that time have managed much, making 6 cities, 6 towns and 17 villages.
The unhumans, such as the Orcs, ogres and many giants call Kalomm home, and since the departure of human kind, they have had many centuries to flourish. In fact, the large expanse of the northwest is practically owned by the unhumans. Of the eastern areas, the large tract of land to the north of the mountain range is still the territory of the giant kind, and also has trouble with Chimera and Manticores.
As to the island castle, in the large lake near the Elvin community, since the elves have yet to explain why it is feared, and the humans have yet to send anyone to explore it, it’s history remains a mystery. Though one thing is for certain. Who ever does eventually ’tame it’ may unlock secrets of what caused the great cataclysm that removed humans from the area.

People of Kervasis Kalomm:
The Elvin nation of Teel’cpa (pronounced tee lec pa) is small for the size of the forest they own. And with only 3 of their kind living elsewhere (2 druids and one advisor to the humans of Pra’kova) do not live anywhere else. They continually make raids into the Orc infested plains of the northern lands, but for the most part, stay isolated.
Of the Dwarves, over 500 live in the nation of Kalomm... most of those manning the mining city of Awagorr, just south of the mountain range. A further 200 live in the capital city of Pra’kova, most manning the armories and forges. So far, other than the humans they are the only ones who have gods to worship, after making several shrines and 1 temple to the Dwarven pantheon.
For the Halflings, the stout folk are the only ones present. 30 make their residence in the mining city, along with the dwarves, offering their services as gem smiths. 45 others do the same in the capital city. No others live in the area, and no signs of their being here before have been found.
Of the main ’humanoid races’ the Gnomes have had it bad. Of the 210, which settled with the humans after the ’great rediscovery’, only 17 still live. 2 separate diseases have been associated with their kind, and it seems some great evil stalks their kind. So far, no one has figured out why this is, but some surmise it might be linked to the great cataclysm.
Of the ’farie folk’ only pixies have been seen, mostly in the lands near the elvin nation.

Gods of the lands:
For the human (and some demi or non human) gods worshiped, we have the following.
Balkao - Elemental god, mostly taken by humans, dwarves and lizardmen, though some gnolls and half elves also revere him.
His priests can use any armor, but not shields. For weapons they are allowed to use all normal priestly weapons, Plus the Spear, Morning star, and the Halberd (which is seen by many to be their holy symbol).
For special powers, they have only two. They can at 5th level and onward, ignore NATURAL weather effects such as slow travel. though it does not allow them to ignore vision impediments such as from blowing snow. Secondly IF they get high enough to summon elementals, they NEVER need fear the loss of control over said elemental.
They can turn undead as paladins do, and like paladins is limited in their # of magic items to 10, but has NO requirements for what that 10 items must be...

Halea - Goddess of love, fertility, good luck and bargains. Only humans, elves and half elves worship her. She is limited to any of the 3 leather armors, no shield, and besides blunt weapons, her priests can use man catchers and nets.
Priests of Halea are not considered a mainstay for adventurers, as she is seen as weak for combat, though her priests DO get one big special benefit, that some see as being very good for combat. They gain a permanent +4 save bonus vs spells from some spells of the mage school of enchantment charm or from the priest charm sphere. For her other 2 granted powers, both are level dependent. They can once they hit 4th level, do a soothing word to negate fear, and at 7th level, they can do a confusion once a day.
She has two main downsides one is that they only gain d6 for hp, the other is Halea has No powers over undead.

Laranni - Goddess of Honor, chivalry, And the art of combat. She protects those who can't protect themselves, and strikes out against those who fight dishonorably. SHE is the ONLY GOD or goddess that allows paladins. Her priests can wear any armor, and think the heavier, the better, they can also use shields. They can use most ANY weapon, except for PURELY MISSILE weapons such as bows and crossbows.. In fact the goddess flat out considers bows (unless used JUST for hunting) as being dishonorable, and commands her priests, to Break them, when they can.
For special powers, they gain 3. THe first, is gained at 3rd level, which is a protection from normal missiles effect, they can invoke once a day. The second is they can remove fear twice a day, at fifth level. And the last is at 9th level, they can cast a Longer duration version of the spell Champions strength.

Peoni - Goddess of healing, and peace. Merchants and farmers love her. SHE IS A PACIFISTIC god, that allows her priest to generally only fight in the manner of tying up foes (lasso's, nets, whips, bolas), or using wrestling, martial arts and the like. They cannot wear any armor or use shields. However her priests have great bonuses for healing and bringing folks back from the dead. ONE of her followers greatest benefits, is also seen by many as one of her greatest curses.. IF they can help someone, they are obligated to DO so. because of this, SMART intelligent humanoids, who RECOGNIZE her priests for what they are, need to make a save vs spell, to even Think of attacking her priests. Much like if they had a permanent sanctuary spell on them. For her abilities on raising the dead, she Doubles the # of days someone can be dead, for what sort of level the priest needs to be. When casting a cure wounds spell, for every d8 the spell normally does, she instead shifts it to d4+4hp. So a Cure critical wound, heals 3d4 + 15hp!
Once they hit 3rd level, priests of peoni may make a save vs death, to ignore level loss, from UNDEAD only (it has no impact though on life levels lost from spells or magic items). They can do remove curse, once a week, at 5th level. If in melee combat using the punching or wrestling chart, they never need fear being knocked out by someone rolling the % chance for a KO.

Sarajin - Good god of the barbarian tribes (There are 3 evil barbarian gods though!). He's the god of battle lust, and Competition of strength and combat.. This puts his followers on somewhat good terms with those who follow Laranni. They can wear any non-metal armor, but cannot use shields.. THEY CAN if they can find it, wear armor made from animal chittin (such as scorpion shell). They can use spears, swords, bows, and axes. In this part, the use of bows can sower his followers in regards to priests of Laranni (for the use of bows!).
Their granted powers are three fold. A they gain the warrior's D10 for hit points, though they still cap at +2hp/hd from high con. 2nd is they gain 1 free weapon slot, to be taken in one Bow. Though as long as they dont use it in combat, priests of Laranni don't shun them as much. And lastly they are like rangers in their ability with animal friendship.
They suffer in three ways. One, they gain undead turning at 4th level, and are always down -3 levels for the chart (so an 8th level priest, counts as a 5th level one on the chart).
2nd is that they cannot read and write, TILL they have hit 6th level. This does NOT stop them using protection scrolls, just spell scrolls or normal works. Certain magical written books, can still be used though. Lastly they cannot ever, refuse to turn down a challenge, for one on one combat!

Save-K-Nor - is the god of knowledge, sages, conundrums and seekers of wisdom. His priesthood often is taken by half elves, so they can multi-class as mage-priests.. They cannot wear armor, like with mages, and can use all weapons mages could, or bludgeoning only.
Priests of Save-K-Nor gain 3 main benefits.
Firstly is when ever they cast a spell from the Divination sphere, OR DIVINATION school (if a mage/priest), its EFFECTIVENESS is as if they were 5 levels higher, for duration, and other level based aspects (So a 3rd level mage/priest, casting an identify counts as an 8th level one!)
They can also use a specal version of True seeing, upon hitting 5th level, twice a day (lasting one turn each time).
Lastly at 9th level, once a month they can use the mage spell, contact other plane, and have only 1/2 the normal chance of going insane.
For downsides, they use d6 for HP.. And they can NEVER turn undead, even if they gain an amulet vs undead, it will NOT work in their hands.

And lastly Vorka - God of travelers and archers. THIS IS often favored by druids or rangers. Any leather armor or hide is allowed, and they can use shields. They get use for all missile weapons and the normal druid weapon list.
For granted powers they A) Suffer only 1/2 the normal penalty for overland travel, due to terrain (so are faster than most), B) they CAN gain specialty in one bow. C) WHEN casts a reincarnate spell, they have 50 % chance of controlling WHAT form is given to the recipient of the reincarnation.
They gain NO bonuses to hit or damage WHEN IN MELEE, regardless of strength, but if using strength bows, DO GAIN it there. They get no turning of undead.

For the dwarves, they have followers of Moradin, Clangeddin, Beronnar or Dumathoin. For elves, there is Corellon, Shenane moonbow or Solinor thelandria. For halfings, there is Avoreen, Uroglana or Yondalla..
Last edited by garhkal on Sat Apr 23, 2022 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Citizen of Undermountain
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

Cities of Kervasis Kalomm (with their NPC's of note)
The Capital
This is the largest of the 6 cities in the realm. It is a sprawling city which technically is nothing more than 7 towns that have joined together.. It has a current population of 8924 humans, 214 dwarves, 6 halflings and 17 gnomes.. Those gnomes are currently awaiting transportation off Kalomm due to a wasting disease which seems to only strike their kind.
Pra'kova has 3 major trade routes leading out of it, one going south, to the coastal town of Bermiar. One to the north west, to the township of Redlass, which is one of the 2 prime suppliers of wood. And one to the east heading towards the township of Hurapent.

The city is ruled over (heck the realm) by the lord protector, Lord Hai'kon. A paladin of great regard and skill, but due to the loss of his left arm in battle, and there being the inability of a high enough cleric to regenerate it, he has since pulled back from adventuring to the life of a ruler. He is supported by his council. Lord Hai'kon is currently a 16th level paladin, the highest level NPC in the realm, next to Adwain.

The first of the council, is his ranking Magister, Rura. A diviner of great skill, though in his many decades he has gotten a little pessimistic and cynical. Rura is currently a 13th level mage, and is the second highest level magic user in all of the lands (the title of highest ranking mage goes to Adwain).

His second high councilor, is Telasa, the high priestess of Halea, a 13th level cleric of the goddess. She has many lesser clerics, the highest being Taos who is 12th.. While her serving on the council has made women's rights a little better and allowed the opening of brothels in nearly every township, she realities she has lessened her capability of rising in power.

His last councilor, strangely is the local thieves guild master, Jordva. A 15th level thief of great cunning but also great wisdom. He saw that thieves in this land will need much support if they are to prosper, and rather than work against the crown, he supports it with most of the guild acting as counter thieves against those few loners, and as scouts for the small but skilled court army.

The city is protected on its northern side by an almost 3 mile long wall of solid rock, which seemed to be the remnants of a previous castle that stood in the area, though little remained of that structure, the wall was in as good a shape as when built. 30 large towers mark off intervals along its length, each with signal gongs and torch fires. The western and southern sides are protected by the river Hanuus, which streams from the northern forest, near the township of Redlass to the coast. The eastern approach is the only open and somewhat undefended area, though this is where most of the almost 200 strong garrison is housed. The garrison is formed of mostly pikemen (80) and the Bastions, who are all mounted knights (heavy cavalry)..

Within the city, most all trade is conducted in the main or southern markets, which routinely are patrolled by the city guard (120 men), and also by members of the thieves guild. Surprisingly cause of mostly their efforts, crime is very low.
Each of the good gods, as well as both gods of neutrality have temples in the city, though Halea's seems to be the largest, the temple of Awakened hearts dedicated to Peoni is the most frequented. In addition, the dwarves maintain a smallish (for them at least) temple to Moradin, their patron.

The Mining city of Awagorr is the second largest of the 6 cities, massing almost 4000 humans and 500 dwarves. Nearly all the dwarves and half the humans man one of the 8 mines. 2 iron ore, 3 brass, 1 copper, 1 gold and 1 silver. As yet, no mithral or other 'rare metal mines' have been located, though there are signs that in the past 2 did exist. This city is ringed by a 1200 meter long wall on each of it's 8 sides, almost forming a perfect octagon. This is due to the almost constant attacks from the northland Orcs, ogres and giants. They are always in need of good men at arms and adventurers to go and take the fight back, but in recent years have started to also be attacked by the Norsemen of the barbarian tribes..

It is ruled by Gammar Holfsteag, a mighty dwarven fighter (13th level) who seems to have his hands full keeping the city from falling due to the constant attacks to really do any proper attacking against his many foes, but it seems they are more interested in the city than the mines, which seems to be the one saving grace.

While he has no high council to support him, the mage Adwain makes his home here, and has much fun constantly using his magics to thwart all the attacks that come.. He has managed to make somewhat of a guild of mages, though only 18 of their ilk are currently residing there. The highest of these, is Lo-tan. A 13th level Invoker, who runs the guild in training those who wish to become mages..

The 2 other major NPC's of note for this city, are Felvian, a cleric of Laranni (12th level) and Meka, the ranking high priest of Peoni (13th level). Of the Dwarves, the highest ranking besides the lord, is Zumak, a cleric of Dumathoin (11th level)..

The next city in importance is the coastal community of Porca, which gets most of it's importance from fishing and whaling. Though it only has 2 temples (one to Peoni and one to Halea), it does have the second largest concentration of Clerics of Save'k'nor, due to 2 ruins within 1 weeks march northward, on the outskirts of the Delma forest.
Only around 1600 people reside in this city, with their highest ranking person, being Lady Dewinder. a cleric of Laranni (11th level). Her brother also resides here and he is a ranger (9th level), one of only 30 to be known to be within the realms.

The fourth city, Escormian is only classed that due to it's size as it connects the northern lands with the southern ones. IT acts as the main trade hub for stuff going south or north. As such it's population is always in flux. The second thieves guild resides here, as does the only warrior's guild, ruled by the taciturn lord Byron Kelps (12th level). He retired from adventuring due to loosing all of his prior 2 adventuring bands to giants. Some say it soured his heart so much he has grown weak from it, others say he realized he could not do better in the field, but stands to do much more training the next batch of people. Escormian also houses the only other mage guild, though the ranking magister is only an 11th Enchanter, Davis douson.Just over 1000 people reside in this city.

The fifth of the main cities, Vestway, is the main source of fish for the realm, next to Porca. It sits right on the edge of lake Zumwhal. The highest npc of note here, is Tunixia, one of only 6 druids noted to be in the realms, and currently is the only arch druid in the realm. Only about 900 people reside in Vestway, most of them being fishermen and trades people. Thankfully due to the abundant supply of fish in the lake, they don't have to rely much on other sources of food like oxen or chicken.

The last city, only recently upgraded to that status, due to more 'citizen ships' landing in it's docks is Cenway. This city, masses only 760 permanent residents, but that rises once a year to over 1000 as more people arrive on the continent. They have little trade, but do have lots of the better inns and bars. In addition to the travelers which arrive here, their only other notable call to fame is the Dragon turtle, Ha-koaka who lives in the ocean nearby, and seems to not bother the travelers as long as he gets his tribute.

Towns of Kervasis Kalomm (and their NPC's of note).

6 townships dot the landscape. Redlass is the biggest, with almost 500 people residing there. Carpentry and wood cutting are their biggest exports and many of the best carpenters are found here. Though they have no lord to call this place home, the retired magic user, Oeto (10th level) does live here. He spends most of his time in research of the past, but does lend a hand to defend the place when needed, though only the migration of the land's Manticore population usually threatens the town.

The second township, Everschul, is nothing more than a watch keep. While it masses around 300 people, it is mostly nothing more than a guard area between the massive Kilbu reach (the 30 mile gap in the mountain range) in which the giants, ogres and Orcs stage their raids through. They always need good men at arms, but have managed to hold their own for the past 9 years, though the raids in recent months have gotten a little more frequent. A temple of Peoni is their saving grace for with their healing magics, most of the time, death is staved off.

The third township Dulki, is a way stop between the cities of Porca and Vestway. Lord Reingiar rules here, though he aches for the days he could go adventuring and seeks a replacement to take over lordship of the town so he can go out. Only 350 people reside here. Most of those being service people to assist with the in and outgoing trade caravans.

The fourth through 6th townships are only classed this due to their size (being over 200 people each). Ravion and Mecula both act as further way points on the trade route between the mining city and Escormian. The sixth, Herstead is on the southern trade route between Escormian and the town of Dulki. Neither of these townships have any classed character higher than 8th level, most of those being the priests of the various temples...
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Citizen of Undermountain
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

For warriors, mages and rogues, there are Guilds for them to train at, but member ship is costly.
The Warrior’s guild.
Known to the locals, simply as the Helm stead, the warrior’s guild enjoys a nice open area, to the south east of Escormian. Ruled by it’s ranking guild master, Lord Byron Kelps, a 12th level fighter, it employs 43 standing warriors. Hundreds of hopefuls come through each year, hoping to join one of the standing city watches, town guards or to become a man at arms for one of the village lords. Also it is the only place warrior adventurers can come to gain rank and power.
5 people man it’s highest levels of power, each known to the trainees as guildmaster, or headmaster. Lord Bryon is the only one of them (and 1 of only 2 people in Kervasis Kalomm) who is a weapon grand master, and as such is the only one who can teach it. He is also specialized in the heavy horseman’s lance and the weapon/shield, two handed and single handed fighting styles, the only tri style specialist around.
His second in command is an imposing female, and one of only 4 in the guild’s ranks. Laris Kerkis is a weapon high master with the bastard sword and is also specialized in the medium crossbow. Though she only knows one weapon fighting style, she is the most common instructor in it (two handed weapon).
Her brother, Judada Kerkis, also is on the headmaster roster, and is the second of 3 weapon high masters. Many though consider his taking of the long spear to be a strange choice for weapon mastery.
Zorkedia, the only Demi human to make the guild home, is a weapon master in the battle axe, and also has specialty in the Dwarven two handed battle axe. He also is the only other member of the guild who is specialized in the fighting style of weapon/shield. He is one of the 4 main instructors in anti-giant fighting techniques, linked with the 3 main ranger members.
The last headmaster, Abbadas is the most recognized member of the guild, for it is he who all new recruits see when they join up, and he who leads most of the training sessions. Though he does not possess mastery in an weapons, he does have specialty in the long sword, long bow and footman’s mace.
Of the other members, only Tieka, the other female on the guild’s roster, is of lord status or higher (she is 10th level). All other members are between fourth and 7th level.

Any adventurer, or warrior wishing to learn the fighting arts has to either get it on the main land, or train here at the guild. As such membership rates are rather low, costing only 10 gold pieces per year (adventurers only pay 100 gold a year).. Membership though does come with several benefits.
1) They always have a place to live and work at. The barracks alone can hold up to 400 men, and usually is only at 2/3rds capacity.
2) Training for adventurer fighters and paladins is cheaper here, than finding a private tutor.
3) Since all the main Armorers and Weaponsmiths in the realm sell to the guild, cost for armor and weapons is at -10% from the PHB cost chart. Also they are always wiling to buy weapons and armor from adventurers that collect it from their downed foes, at 40% +1d4x10X (50-80%) of cost.
4) Lastly unless trained on the mainland, it is the only place to gain weapon specialty or mastery.

Note. Of all the main weapons, the Kopesh, Scimitar, Bola and Rapier are the only ones NOT having at least one instructor in.

The Magic guild.
Formed by the 6 highest ranking mages over 60 years ago, it has 2 main schools instructing hopefuls in the arts of spell casting. It also houses the only 4 sages in the realm. All persons wishing to become casters have to be trained here, or find a private tutor, though the quality of instruction is considered higher at the guild than anywhere else.
The ranking mages, each specialize in one of the schools of magic, with the title of guildmaster going to an Invoker, Lo-tan. He is served by 4 mages of 10th level, and one of 9th level. 12 other mages ranging from 5th to 7th reside at the guild, each taking on 2-3 students per year. The master’s rotate who is instructing so as to leave at least 2 free to pursue spell research.
Guild membership is costly, going for 2000 gold pieces a year, though ANY spell researched by the guild is given freely to those who are members.

The thieves guild acts and for all intents and purposes is more of a scouts guild than a proper thieves guild. This is so the crown does not come down hard on their members. While the occasional petty theft is overlooked, larger robberies attracts the crown’s attention too much for their liking. 48 thieves are currently on the roster at the guild, fully 30 always working for the crown’s guard, acting to police the cities and towns. The others await orders for scouts for the rare occasions the crown sends out military forces to deal with threats. Membership costs only 1000 gold and this gets you life time entrance into the guilds 8 buildings (none are really large, just sufficient to serve their purposes).
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Citizen of Undermountain
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

Smattering of character creation house rules..
1) Every one gets to make two characters.. A primary and a back up. CURRENT XP they get given to 'build said primary/back up' is set at 10k, and 5k.

2) When doing stat generation, the players have two methods to do so.. A) Is point buy, where Str, Con, Dex, Int and Wis start at 3, while Cha start at 9. They get 58 points PLUS the roll of 1d4, to allocate. Taking a stat up to 16, is 1 point per point bought. From a 16 to 17, it costs 2 points, and taking a 17 to 18 is three points. So taking Strength to 18, costs 18 points!.. IF % str is wanted, it costs 1 point per 15%.
[i[Note Warriors being built this way, CAN HAVE A straight up 18 strength, nothing requires them to take % str![/i]
The other option is rolling 4d6, drop the lowest, and make 12 stats in a row (or circle).. Once all 12 are done, SELECT SIX IN a continuous order.. So you could select stat 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. OR stat 10, 11, 12, 1, 2 and 3..

3) for HP, 1st level is max. 2nd and 3rd level is 50% min (if you roll less than half, it auto goes up to half, so a mage is 2, thieves are 3, priests are 4 and warriors are 5.

4) I allow Gnolls and Lizard-men as pc races..

5) Level limits can be used, BUT if the group opts as a concensus (MAJORITY) to NOT use them, then each demi-race uses an XP penalty, ranging from 30% to 50%.


Mages and priests DO generally need to specify what spells they memorize.. Mages though DO get some they can 'free-cast'. If a mage has More than 1 spell of a specific level they can cast, ONE OF THEM can be free-cast, the others will be memorized.. IE A 5th level mage has 4,2,1 for spells, so one of his four 1st level and one of his two 2nd level, can be free-cast..
For priests, this applies TO THE BONUS they get from a high intelligence.

Critical hits. Players as a group consensus can opt to use a standard nat 20 is double damage, OR go by a modified version of the crit rules and chart from combat and tactics.. CURRENTLY MY GROUP IS using the latter...

Psionicists can be used, and this is also a group consensus (SO FAR they have said yes, but yet not one person has opted to take it).

Small poker chips are being used for HP, so the player has it easier to track his health and damage.

The highest armor right now is banded mail, though Plate MAY make a comeback soon..

IF there are 4 or LESS players present for a game, the player CAN (if they choose to)< Use both their primary and back up at the same time.. THIS is done to keep the # of 'active characters' up. IF there are 5 or more players present, only one character is used.
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
Citizen of Undermountain
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

So, here's the characters.. So far at least.
Players are Robert K (he won't be making next session, due to having something to do with the Symphony downtown)
David W
Joseph Y
Trevor H
and Stephen P.

Stephen P was the one who opted for the Ranger and priest.
Ranger. Brant, 1/2 Elf ranger, Chaotic good alignment. 6ft exactly, 171lb, 25 years old. 35hp.
Built as if had 10,000xp (good for 4th level), but starts at only 3,000 earned xp.
Strength 16 +1 dam, 70lb weight, 195lb max press, 10% bend bars, 9 open doors
Dexterity 16, +2 ac, +1 missile
Constitution 15. +1hp/hd, 90% system shock, 94% resurrection
Intelligence 12. +3 language/nwp slots
Wisdom 16. +2 mental saves.
Charisma 14. 6 henchmen, +1 loyalty, +2 NPC reaction.

Wears studded leather, carries a +1 medium shield. That and Dex give an AC 3. 5 shield-less, 7 surprised.

Weapon slots: 4 base, +1/3 (5). Longbow (1), Sword bastard (2), Dagger (3), Hand axe (4), Spear (5)
Non-weapon slots: 3 base +1/3 (4). Free Tracking (class). Animal handling (1st slot), Land riding (2nd slot), Survival 3rd slot and 1st int bonus. Hunting (2nd int bonus), Modern languages orc (3rd bonus int). 3rd level slot, added onto tracking.

Pets 2 War dogs, 1 medium war horse with leather barding, saddle, blanket, small saddle bags, bit and bridle and horseshoes.
Worn - Medium shield +1, Studded leather, soft boots (with 2 daggers in), Belt 1 with 2 small pouches (Pouch 1 holds 1lb of rice, pouch 2 holds 1 pot of Kehoti's ointment and 1lb raisins), belt 2 holds 2 small pouches (pouch 1 holds chalk and small silver mirror, pouch 2 holds 2 flasks lamp oil), Breeches, cap, fir trimmed wet weather cloak.
Readied +1 bastard sword
Stored - six torches
in backpack - Tied to each side is a quiver. left holds 20 flight arrows, right holds 20 sheaf arrows, on bottom is a 50ft silk rope with a grapple tied to it. 1 week dry rations, bedroll, flint and steel, 2 wine skins.
Carried - longbow, 1 hand axe, 2 large sacks.
On war horse is a small chest holding 2 more breeches, 2 shirts, and 2 pants.

Currently he's carrying 95lb of weight, so is at light encumbrance.

Stephen P made his back up character, a Human Priest of Sarajin, the good barbarian god.
Back up PC
Brother Joth “Battle-mad” Bejorn, Human priest of Sarajin. Chaotic Good alignment. AC 5. Hide armor and Ring.
Age: 23 Sex: M Height: 6ft 2” (74”) Weight: 265lb
XP: Built at 5,000xp, starts game play at 1,500xp. Good for 3rd level as a priest.
Hit die: d10 (Per priest granted ability).
HP Rolls: 10 , Hit points: .

Curly long brown hair, bald spot, thinning, full beard and mustache, paunchy

Str - 14. 44lb weight, 170lb max press, 7% bend bars, 8 open doors.
Dex - 13. No modifiers
Con - 14. 88% system shock, 92% resurrection
Int - 14. 4 bonus int/language slots
Wis - 16. +2 mental saves. +2 first/+2 second level spells
Cha - 16. 8 Henchmen, +4 loyalty, +5 NPC reaction.

Weapon proficiencies: 3 base +1 FOR bow, +1/4 levels (4). Slot 1 - battle axe, Slot 2 - Short sword, Slot 3 - Spear, Free bonus from priesthood - Long bow.

Non-weapon proficiencies: 4 base, +1/3 levels (5, +3 from int bonus). Free - Hunting, Free - Survival (wilderness). Herbalism - slot 1 and 2. Healing - Slot 3 and 4. Int bonus slot 1, 2 and 3 - Weaponsmithing. Int slot 4 - Bowyer/fletcher.
Magic gear:

Staff of Stoning - 5 charges (Staffs of stoning are one of my new items!)
Ring of protection +1

Stored in backpack, flint and steel, 1 week dry rations, 4 water skins.
Carried - Battle axe, Longbow, quiver with 20 flight arrows, spear.
Worn - Two belts. One holds scabbard with short sword, and 2 small pouches.
2nd holds 2 additional small pouches. Pouch 1 holds holy symbol and average quality pipe. Pouch 2 holds two small pouches of low cost flavored pipe tobacco (each 2 ounce worth)
High top riding boots, Breeches, good cloth cloak, hide armor, Ring of Protection +1,
Stored - 2 rag pants, spare set of breeches, towel, 6 torches
Readied - Staff of Stones.
Currently at 77.3lb lightly encumbered. Move down to 8. No other mods.

Money left; 9 copper, 58 gold and 7 silver coins.

Spells: 4 first (2 normal, +2 wisdom bonus), 3 second (1 normal, 2 bonus from wisdom)

Then we had Trevor H make up both of his..
Primary is Jerry, a human illusionist. Chaotic good alignment, 23 years old, 5ft 9", 170lb weight. Built at 10,000xp good for 4th level, starts with 3,000xp.
HP 11.

Strength 10. 40lb weight, 115lb max press, 2% bend bars, 6 open doors.
Intelligence 15. 4 bonus languages, 7th level max, 11 max # spells each level. 65% base chance to know (illusionist bonus goes to 80%, but drops other spells down to 50%)
Wisdom 11. No bonuses or spell info.
Dexterity 16. +2 ac bonus, +1 missile
Constitution 10. 70% system shock, 75% resurrection.
Charisma 12. 5 henchmen. No loyalty or NPC reaction adjustments.

Weapon slots; Dagger!
Non-weapon slots: 4 base +1/3 (5), Cooking (1st), Healing (2nd, 3rd and 4th), Herbalism (1st and 2nd bonus int slots), Modern languages hobgoblin (3rd int bonus) read/write common (4th int bonus), 3rd level slot for Swimming.

Has a cart with a donkey pulling.
In backpack has a bed roll, 2 map cases (one containing 5 blank sheets of papyrus, the other holding a scroll protection from fire), a winter blanket, 2 weeks dry rations, 1 flint and steel, 1 wine skin. Tied to left side is bag of horse feed (magic item), and on right side is healers satchel.
Stored in small chest - 2 spare sets breeches, 1 spare cannon, 1 common robe, 1 tunic, 1 set of pants and 1 shirt.
Worn - Armor spell, belt with 3 small pouches (1st pouch holds 2 quills, 2nd holds 2 bars of soap, 3rd holds 2 vials writing ink), soft boots holding 2 more daggers, breeches, cannons, pants, shirt, good cloth cloak and set of gloves

Known spells - 1st lev; armor, audible glamer, burning hands, color spray, cantrip, detect magic, phantasmal force, mending, read magic, feather fall and find familar (maxed out.)
2nd lev; blindness, improved phantasmal force, forget, continual light.

His back up is Carl, a human thief (brother). 5ft 7", 144lb weight, 19 years old Chaotic neutral alignment. Has the Adventurer kit. Built at 5,000xp, but starts with only 1,500. Good for 4th level as a thief. 18 Hp.

Strength 15, 55lb weight, 170lb max press, 7% bend bars, 8 open doors
Dexterity 15, -1 ac boost
Con 8. 60% system shock, 65% resurrection
Int 11, 2 bonus languages
Wis 11. No mods
Cha 16. Loyalty +4, NPC reaction +5, 8 henchmen..
(YEA he went with his highest as charisma!)

Weapon slots: 2 base, +1/3 (4). Scimitar (1st), Dagger (2nd). 4th level slot for Short bow.
Non-weapon slots: 3 base, +1/4 (4). Animal training dog (1), Appraising (2), Setting snares (3), Swimming (4th level slot). All 2 of his bonus Int slots left open for now.

For his thief skills, he assigned 37% to Open locks and HiS, 38% to find traps and MS, giving him an overall % of 80 for climb walls, 15 for detect noise, 43% for F/Rt, 52% for hide in shadows, 68% for MS, 47% for open locks, 25% for pick pockets. Nothing is in Read languages.

Has 1 guard dog, and is training 1 hunting dog.
Kept in backpack - Bed roll, 1 quiver with 20 flight arrows, 50ft silk rope, 2 weeks dry rations, 1 flint and steel, theives picks, and wine skin.
Worn - Armor spell, Boots of the Wanderer (inc's his move to 15), Dagger belt holding 4 daggers, Breeches, cannons, regular pants, gloves and good cloth cloak.
In small chest is 2 spare sets of breeches, 1 set of spare gloves, 1 common robe, 1 spare cannon, 1 shirt, 2 tunics, winter blanket and spare set of pants.
Readied is a +1 scimitar.

Carries 46lb of weight, 15 move. Non encumbered...

For Joeseph Y (a pastor) we have
A Dwarf fighter/thief, outcast type (not the kit, just how he's running it)..
Built the guy via the point buy method.
Built at 10,000xp, so split evenly that gave him 5k/5k, good for 3rd as a fighter/4th as a thief.

Strength 17, +1/+1, 85lb weight, 220lb max press, 13% bend bars, 10 open doors
Dexterity 17, +3 ac/saves, +2 missile.
Constitution 18 * (inc racial bonus) +4hp/hd for fighter side, +2hp/hd for thief side. 99% system shock, 100% resurrection.
Intelligence 12. 3 bonus slots
Wisdom 8
Charisma 8* (inc racial penalty). 4 hench, -1 loyalty penalty.

weapon slots 4 base +1/3. 5 slots right now. 1st slot - battle axe, 2nd slot dagger, 3rd slot light crossbow, 4th slot medium shield proficiency. 3rd level slot - morning star.
Non-weapon slots; 3 base, +1/3. 4 slots + int. 1st slot - fire building, 2nd slot lock smithing, 3rd slot rope use. 1st Int bonus modern languages common, 2nd and 3rd int bonus - read write dwarf, 3rd level slot info gathering.

For gear;
Worn - Studded leather, 1 set of breeches, belt with 1 large pouch (holding thieves tools and flint and steel), 1 small pouch (holding 2 chalk pieces, whet stone and double dose Potion of Heroism), 2nd small pouch holding 1 vial writing ink, 1 wax block and small silver mirror. Nova belt holding sheath with 1 dagger, soft boots with 2 spare daggers in boot sheaths. Breaches and set of gloves.
Readied: [/i]+1 morning star[/i] Medium shield.
Carried: In back pack - Bolt case with 10 light bolts, 3 hand axes, bed roll, spare set of gloves, good cloth cloak, vest and tunic, 1 weeks standard rations. other - battle axe and light croosbow.
Donkey pulling cart (with harness). Kept on cart, 5 gal ale, large chest holding spare set of breeches, 2 spare hand axes, spare set of theives picks, 9 spare wax blocks, spare tunic, spare vest, 3 spare weeks standard rations, map case holding 20 sheets parchment. Small chest equipped with a good quality lock, holding Key making set wrapped in large sack and a spare large sack. small two man tent, and 50ft of silk rope with a grapple hook attached.

For his final thief skills (inc his armor penalty) he is at
25% for climb walls
30% for detect noise
70% for find traps
-10% for hide in shadows
10% for move silently
-5% for read languages
80% for open locks
and -10% for pick pockets...

And Joseph Y made his back up, a Human barbarian, suffering some battle PTSD like symptoms which drops his wisdom (Currently down to 6 (normally a 10).

Name blank, (For now) , Human Barbarian (fighter kit). Chaotic Neutral alignment.
Age: 23 Sex: M Height: 6ft 4” (76”) Weight: 240lb
XP: Built at 5,000xp, good for 3rd fighter. Starts game with 1,500xp
Hit die: d10+2
HP Rolls: 10, 6, 7 Hit points: 29

Strength 18. Weight allowance 160lb, Max press 305lb, Bend bars 25%, Open doors 13. +2 to hit / +3 damage
Intelligence: 10. Bonus language/non-weapon slots 2. No spell info.
Wisdom 6*. -1 mental save penalty (* currently this due to battle damage and mental issues due to being stranded for 8+ months on own in hostile terrain, true value is 10).
Dexterity 16. +2 AC/Save bonus. +1 missile/reaction adjustment
Constitution 16. +2hp/hd, 95% system shock, 96% resurrection.
Charisma 9. 4 hench. No other mods

Weapon slots: 4 base, +1/3 levels (5). 1st slot - Longbow prof, 2nd and 3rd slot - Specialty in Longbow, 4th slot - Prof Bastard sword. 3rd level slot - Two handed weapon fighting style specialty (To lower speed of bow and sword)

Non-weapon slots: 3 +1/3 levels (4, +2 bonus from language slots). Free - Endurance. 1st slot hunting, 2nd slot bowyer/fletcher, 3rd slot fire building, 1st and 2nd bonus Int slots for Survival (islands). 3rd slot open as have not had chance to fill it.

Equipped with: (Limited due to being stranded for 8+ months on own).
Worn - Cloak of Tradesman (Helps in bad weather!), Hide armor, Baldrick for bastard sword (Mostly used two handed), Belt with 1 small pouch holding 1 last flask of lamp oil and 1 bar of soap, Breeches, soft boots and rag pants.
Stored in small sack - spare breeches, spare pants, towel and common robe
In back pack - Winter blanket, wineskin, flint and steel, whetstone, bedroll and 2 days remaining of iron rations), Potion of Fire breath.
Also carried - Quiver currently holding 20 sheaf arrows.
Does have 2 small knives kept in boots that uses to help make arrows with.
Readied - Longbow made for strength.

Has only 18 copper, 3 electrum, 9 silver, and 2 gold coins to name.

Currently at 83.5lb weight, non encumbered. 15 move!

Both will be the lone survivors of "fort lost"... and have been living on their own for 8+ months!!

That currently gives me six characters, one player who may be joining in soon (Once his work shit is done with) and one who rogered up, said what he wanted to make for a primary, but has had no contact since..
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

Session #1
So today we had our first actual play session, starting at 3pm local, (more like 330), ending around 8.20.. Trevor, Joseph and Steven showed up.. Robert was out for this session due to being in a concert (part of the set up crew iirc).. Nothing yet From david.

SO for this group, they have so far had 3 of 5 votes for Using the Combat and tactics Critical hit charts, though i slightly modified how those crits come.
ON a Natural 18 or higher, the target makes a save vs petrification, if failed, then you get a crit!

So Trevor had his two characters, Carl the thief, and Jerry the illusionist, Steven had his ranger, Brand with two bull mastiff like war dogs (Jerry also has two dogs, both guard types), and Joe had Mather Hogs horn, the dwarf fighter/thief..
They all arrived in the capital on the same boat, and were greeted by the normal welcoming person, and given a briefing on the lands, the people, and some of the happenings, which is where they found out about that island to the east of the mountains, that Tostig and his crew were trying to tame and make their own freehold.
Since it's been a good long time since anyone in the party was there, it was unsure what has happened to the men-at-arms that were left in the taken over Bugbear camp.. Brand has taken to calling it "camp forgotten", and thinks that most of those left, are either dead (from starvation), or dead (from monsters), and also feels that those monsters may have re-taken over the catacombs under the tower.
Mather the dwarf, and Jerry think likewise..

So they decided to take up a mission to find out what may have happened to the boat, with the crew and captain, and the adventurers who are considered lost at sea (for almost a month now), and decided to (using some good wits about them), head to the temple for save-k-nor, and ask if any of their priests would like to help sponsor this new band, to find out "what happened", and finish off Tostig and co's tasking... One lowish level priest, a Brother Yoodaz (pronounced like Judas), said yes (he's a standard human priest of save-k-nor, 3rd level). He will chime in for some of the transportation/food expenses, but not much else... The crown also assigned them a human fighter (myrmidon), as a helper, till the group's manning numbers get up (much like i did with Tostig's group, and Damien Gould). This fighter, is a broad sword specialist..

Name: Brother Yoodaz Race: Human Level: 3
Class: Priest of Save’k’Nor. NO kit
Sex: M Height: 5ft 5”. Weight: 144 AC: 8
Family: 1 Wife, 2 sons (both training as carpenters)
HD: D6 HP: 12
HP rolls: 6, 3, 3, Alignment: Chaotic good
XP: Built at 4,000, starts with 0. Needed: 6,000

ATTRIBUTES: (stat rolls, 12, 10, 16, 15, 16, 13)
Strength 12. Max press 140lb, Weight 45lb, Open doors 7, Bend bars 4%
Dexterity 16. -2 Ac, +2 saves, +1 missile / reaction adjustment
Constitution 10. 70% system shock, 75% resurrection survival.
Intelligence 15. +4 language/NWP slots. No spell info.
Wisdom 16. +2 mental saves, +2 first, +2 second level spells.
Charisma 13. 5 henchmen, +1 NPC reaction.

Weapon Proficiencies: 2 base +1/4 levels (2).
Slot 1 - Club, Slot 2 - Dagger.

Non-weapon proficiencies: 4 base +1 per 3 (5, + int bonus)
Bonus Info Gathering (15), Spell craft (13)
Slot 1- Brewing (15), Slot 2 - Fungi Recognition (18), Slot 3 and 4 Herbalism (13), Bonus int slot 1 Religion (16), Bonus int slot 2 Ancient languages Dwarf, Bonus slot 3 Read/write common, Bonus slot 4 Modern languages lizardman. 3rd level slot - Read/write dwarf.

Equipped with:
On Donkey - Saddle blanket, Pack saddle holding 2 weeks iron rations, small tent, small chest holding 2 spare shirts, 2 spare pants, 2 spare breeches and common robe.
In back pack - Bedroll, flint and steel, 2 map cases, one holding 10 sheets papyrus, wine skin
Readied - Club
Worn - Belt with 1 dagger, 1 large and 1 small belt pouch. Large belt pouch holds 4 full vials holy water, 2 vials writing ink and 2 quills, small pouch so far only has money and bar of soap in.
Cap, soft boots holding 2 spare daggers, shirt, good quality cloak, pants, breeches.

Money left - 64 gp, 7 cp, 2 sp.

Spells 2 (+2) first, 1(+2) second. Normally has memorized, 2 cure lights, 1 curse (or sanctuary) and one sun scorch for L1 spells, 1 Cure moderate wounds, 1 slow poison and 1 bark skin for l2 spells.

Name: Looredd Brodas Race: Human Level: 3
Class: Fighter, Myrmidon kit
Sex: M Height: 5'9” Weight: 161 AC: 8
Family: 1 Wife, 2 sons (both training as carpenters)
HD: D10 HP: 32
HP rolls: 10, 10, 9, Alignment: Chaotic good
XP: Built at 4,000, starts with 0. Needed: 6,000
Built with skills and powers, opted for human Hp bonus, giving +1hp per level

ATTRIBUTES: (stat rolls, 18, 16, 14, 9, 12, 7)
Strength 18/85. +2 to hit, +4 damage, 330lb max press, 185lb weight, 30% bend bars, 14 open doors
Constitution 14. 88% system shock, 92% resurrection survival.
Dexterity 16, +2 Saves/-2 ac, +1 missile/reaction adjustment.
Intelligence 12. +3 language/weapon/non-weapon slots.
Wisdom 7, -1 penalty to mental saves.
Charisma 9. 4 henchmen, no other mods.

Weapon Proficiencies: 4 base +1/3 levels (5), +1 free specialty from kit. 1st slot - spear, 2nd slot - body shield proficiency, 3rd slot - longbow, 4th slot broad sword. Free specialty in broad sword. 3rd level slot - specialty in weapon and shield fighting style.

Non-weapon proficiencies: 34 base +1 per 3 (4, + int bonus)
Bonus Fire building ( ), Ancient history - local wars (),
Slot 1 and 2 Blind fighting. Slot 3 - Swimming. 1st Int bonus Land riding. 2nd int bonus modern languages - gnoll, 3rd int bonus Bowyer/fletcher. 3rd level slot saving to gains 6th level one to acquire monster lore-base.

Equipped with:
Stored - Small chest holding spare breeches, pants, shirt, and tunic, along with 1 month’s of iron rations
Carried - Backpack holding bedroll, 1 week standard rations, flint and steel, 2 wine/water skins, 1 whetstone, Quiver holding 24 sheaf arrows, Longbow made for 18/85 strength, spear
Worn - Banded mail, large shield that is proficient in, belt with 2 small pouches (one holding bar of soap, other holding 2 flasks of Greek fire), boots soft, and breeches.

Money left, 3 gold, 5 silver, 8 copper.

After buying a 2nd cart (for Mathar), and some provisions, the group headed off, a total of 6 characters and 4 dogs, taking a more straight, but longer northern route, going up through the villages of Helmsdale, Aldurn, Issona, then heading west to Escormian, and finally on to Porca.
During the northern part of the trek, they had a grand total of One encounter, a night time fracas with an eight pack of crawling claws.

A few characters suffered minor damage. and three of the claws got taken out by the dogs (big chew toys!).. Trevor had a little learning curve, getting the hang of initiative and spell casting for 2e games, but otherwise they seemed to pick up how things went.

Then they pulled into the coastal city of Porca, and started asking around about family of the fallen ship's captain, and tried to hire a crew to get them to the island. After a few days of chatting, negotiations and some great RP from the gang (mostly from Steven's ranger), they had secured a ship to take them to the island, head back to Porca and come pick them UP in six months.. YES THEY PURCHASED RATIONS and other provisions to last them that long! Brand even purchased a covered wagon, and spare sail cloth, to help make tents and other lean toos..

So the gang was off, the following morning, on their boat, taking 8 days total to get to the island.. During the trek, they had two encounters.

The first was a pesky group of 5 hell flies.. Brand, Three of the seven deck hands that were out on deck, And Jerry were the ones initially attacked, tough some of the gang were surprised at these beasts, and how swift they moved.. Jerry and one of the deck hands got spat at, Jerry barely making his save to avoid the acid spittle, but unfortunately the deck hand was not so lucky.. THE first round of acid damage, was sufficient to turn him into a pile of goo... Then came the other 3, attempting to ram into Brand and the other 2 deck hands. The one that went for Brand, missed wildly (close to a fumble), so landed to start biting at him.. The other two however, rammed their deck hand targets, and stunned both, and knocked both down.

While the fighting went on, Brand's two large mastiffs got involved, one jumping at the beast on one of the deck hands, the other going for the one on brand, while Jerry's two guard dogs, backed off, not knowing what to make of these flying terrors..
Jerry, found a shock, when his Color spray did nothing, and figured that these things, must hunt/sense by some other means than sight.. Then tried an illusion, which also failed... His burning hands though, did catch one and did some respectable damage. Brodas waded in with his broad sword, and dealt out a lot of damage. His great strength will be a help.

The battle was long and hard, and by the end, the ship's crew was down three hands (out of 14), but since the party had hired four spearmen style men-at-arms (normal 0-lev fighter types for a 6 month gig), they figured that some of them could fill in the gaps in the ship's crew.

The following night was the 3rd and last encounter of our session.. a trio of Gargoyles.
Mathar was on deck, near the night captain learning the ropes of steering the ship, Carl and Brother Yoodaz were in their bunks, along with Brand and his dogs, while Brodas was up in the crow's nest, and Jerry was mid ships, .. One Gargoyle went for him, one for the dwarf, and the third iirc went to Jerry. His Blindness hit home, neutering (somewhat) one of the beasts, but Mather found out soon, his battle axe didn't do much, since it's not magical... He shifted to his hated morning-star instead....
The dogs of Brand went to work on the one on Jerry, allowing him to back off, two of the three men-at-arms, tried to lasso the blinded gargoyle, succeeding, in their audacious action, and tied him to the rear mast, so he couldn't fly off too high.. The one that pestered Brodas did a lot of damage though, including a few lucky critical hits, one gutting him (minor bleeding wound)Eventually he jumped down from the crow's nest realizing his great strength wasn't doing him much good, since he too lacked a magical weapon, so had to get out of dodge, hoping someone else who DID have magic, could step in.. However the fall caused him to take more damage.. . Jerry and Karl both took some nasty hits, and so did Mathar.. Thankfully Brother Yoodaz was out of the cabin near him, and started rendering healing assistance..

The battle was long and hard, and two of their men-at-arms died.. BUT the party were victorious, and some what wiser on what needs magic to strike!
After one man-at-arms grappled and was locked in a bear hug like match with the 3rd gargoyle. He eventually got gutted.... (Sucks to grapple onto something that therefore can ONLY CLAW/Bite onto YOU!)

The following morning the ship docked, and let them all off on the beach at the southern tip of the island...

This is where we called it for the night.
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
Citizen of Undermountain
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

So, our 2nd actual game day, got off, with Trevor no being able to make it (called off sick Friday evening).. So we only had Pastor Joe and Stephen... That gave them 8 characters, and 2 men at arms.. Stephen P's new barbarian priest (he worships Sarajin), Joth, and Joe's barbarian, the battle weary/mind broken one, who couldn't remember his name, were camping out on the southern tip of the south-eastern shoreline, along its beach, so the high (ish) cliffs could give cover when they lit camp fires, from anything roving the lands.. They remembered all too vividly, the battle that took out Fort Forgotten, a combined troupe of Orcs (with several Orog leaders), and Gnolls... BUT what was more scary, was it seemed that the orcs had some how either charmed OR tamed two of those blasted Dagon beasties.. Both fire breathers..

The camp was hit hard, and most destroyed (other than the palisade along the southern wall, some of the eastern wall, and very little of the left wall.. BUT one of the wooden buildings was still standing.. No bodies were to be found though, and both the Armor and weapon smith buildings were leveled...

They had done some scouting, but Oog's (what Joth has taken to calling the barbarian), mind wouldn't let him go out 'adventuring', just with one other person, so they tended to stay as south as possible.. Noting a possible area, Ghouls may lair, on the eastern/south coastline, and an area where Hell flies were occasionally seen..

The group, consisting of Brand, Mathar, Brother Yoodaz, Jerry, Carl, Brodas and the two men-at-arms, stayed on the boat one last day to heal up from the battle with the Gargoyles, this gave Oog and Joth time to appraise the group, but Joth was the one who eventually made his way to the south-western shoreline, where the boat spent the following day off loading everything, to do any introductions...
The gang, now sitting at 10 strong, slowly made their way to Fort Forgotten, assessed the battle damage over a 3 day period, and spent 4 more days, helping shore up a defensible position in what was remaining of the southern quadrant of it, using the tarp they had, and wood left from the ruined palisade to make a northern wall..
Then Jerry, Carl, Brother Yoodaz, and Brodas, stayed back there, with all the mounts, Jerry's two guard dogs, and both men at arms, while Oog, Joth, Brand and Mathar, decided to do a patrol out for a while, checking out the small western forest, to get a lay of the land, hoping to continue up north for a bit more, then turning east, going by where they remembered the Tower to be..

however luck (and somewhat the weather) was not shining on them, as they rumbled into a semi-static group of four Kephrinn, hiding out in the forest. Brand was surprised (though the dogs were not), one of the Kephrinn was also surprised, however due to the distance, the other 3 spent the round closing, while Mathar spent the round switching from his crossbow to his morning star (since he felt the crossbow wouldn't do much against large skeletons).. Joth, i forget what he was doing, while Oog fired off a pair of arrows to no avail (he just kept missing).. Then the battle was on.. Mathar, now un-surprised, started wailing in, but kept rolling misses, so didn't realize whether his weapon would hav worked or not (But since it was magical it WOULD have, had he connected!), while Oog finally connected, then made the stark realization, "MY sword isn't damaging these beasts, Oog usually hits hard and hurts what Oog hits.. EEK!" Brand by then had scored two hits with his magical bastard sword, and both his dogs 'bit', to no-avail.. So Oog, called for a retreat, as 'we can't hurt them'..

As they fled, the 'taller' Kephrinn, held out his sword (a mighty two-hander for humans but one handed for him), to call off his 3 brothers, from pursuing, for some unknown reason to the fleeing gang. This gave them a chance for Joth to pass out some healing, and for the group to prep better for a 2nd go... They fled far enough back, to camp out for the night, so Joth could memorize More useful spells.. Starting with two magical stones, to give to Oog to toss, a flame blade, a spiritual spear (the Sarajin version of spiritual hammer, does the same damage, just looks different).
Now armed with weapons to hurt them, they came back, prepared for war.. The 'leader' of the Kephrinn, like last time, went for Brand, one of the others went for Mathar, and one charged at Joth, but was intercepted by some rocks thrown by Oog.. After a # of rounds, his Dust devil was cast, and started hitting the monsters, but soon got taken out, when one of the Kephrinn, blew up on him.
Several rounds went by, and Mathar eventually fell to -10hp (though as a fighter, he can go to -con), after 2 exploded in his face and he took lots of damage (sucks to only be wearing studded leather!).. Brand also fell, but the last of the monsters went down to the flame blade of Joth.. And the dogs even got involved, trying to overbear it.

After healing the two downed party up, they realized that Mathar needs four days bed rest (he made his system shock roll to 1/2 his week), while Brand failed his, so would need 3 days.. So Oog and Joth roped them, up into one of the trees, tied them off so they wouldn't fall, and proceeded to wait, and heal some more.. The dogs staying below.. They collected up two of the three long swords the skeleton things had, 1 of the three shields, 1 necklace and one of two rings, of the 3 'lesser' ones And the two handed sword and the REAL nice looking shield of the leader.. OOg has claimed the two hander from the 'leader' Kephrinn', but has yet to do much with it.

2 nights into their stay, half of a roving pack of Hell flies, which Joth and Oog knew about sometimes flew in this area, came upon them, but since neither Joth or Oog had light sources out, they couldn't see the critters, til they were right on the party...
One spat at one of Brand's dogs, but missed (Stephen rolled a nat 20 for its save!), one Tried and failed to ram Oog, but Joth did get rammed, but made both his save and his dexterity check (thanks to being tied in as well)...
After a # of rounds, Oog, using his strength bow he is specialized in, so he could shoot at point blank, finally dropped his beast, then he shot down at the one chomping on one of Brand's dogs, actually fumbling his shot, and hitting the dog (poor mastiff!)..

After getting below half damage, and NOT having hit, one of the dogs fled (failed a morale roll), the other then suffered badly, as IT got spat at.. Oog came down from the tree, to collect his bow, after making a 2nd fumble roll, and tossing it down... Joth started dealing some damage out, but all in all, missed 7 of his 8 attacks... Eventually that one died.. Then Oog ran after the one that followed to two dogs who ran off.. Easily catching the one coated in acid, and started noshing.. Oog got right up to it, missing his first swing, promting it to look up at Oog with a "OI, why you interrupting my dinner" like look, then it spat AT Oog, but missed.. Then after 2 more swings, that one died too..
Gutting them for bow string material, they found 4 gems (that need to be appraised).
After finishing off their bed rest, and healing up fully, the group decided to cut short their excursion, heading back to Fort Forgotten..

They ended the session here..

We chatted OOC, and realized no one would be ready for gaming on New years, so will skip one week (giving 3 weeks between this session and next), but continuing the 2 weeks per there-after, which is Good for Pastor Joe, as he WOULD have had to miss 3 of the up coming sessions (one in Jan, 2 in Feb) for church related stuff, but THE SHIFT over, means he won't have to miss...

So here's till the new year!
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
Citizen of Undermountain
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

Game day 3 over.. All 3 of the players i currently have, showed up.
So Joe had both Mathar and Oog. Terevor had Jerry and Carl, while Stephen had Brant and Joth.
After making it back to Fort Forgotten, Joth and Oog spent some time making a few more arrows each, while Brand and Jerry spent time discussing what 'the hizzle' happened with those exploding skeletons.. Brother Yoodaz spoke up about prior instances of Kephrinn, from the prior adventuring band, and the gang got it into their head, that in that small forest on the western side of the island, there Must be something there, that they were guarding, based on the way they reacted, especially the lead one... Though they had the four gems from that battle, Carl, failed to appraise THREE of them, only getting one pearl, valued at 200gp appraised (his rolls sucked!). That and the small amount of loot the party had amassed, led them to hope MORE was coming....

After 3 more days of resting, and doing more to cover up and fortify where they were, in the southern part of Fort Forgotten, they decided as a six pack, leaving the NPC's Brother Yoodaz, and Loored Brodas back in camp, with the Two men-at-arms, then they'd head back to that forest, and do some more investigation..

En-route to it, the weather got bad for two days, prompting them to go slower than normal, but it made for keeping up with the tracks they made, easier as they didn't wash away in the colder weather... Nearing the southern tip of the forest, Brant on scouting duty ahead of the group, came across a band of seven bugbear, looking very ragged (their smaller ship had crashed on the western cliffs earlier the prior day, and they were the only survivors.. Since all wore hide, but the leader, he was the only one who had issues swimming ashore, but made it...

Brant noticed four of them, huddled around a camp fire they had set up, the leader though along with two of the others, were on 'guard', so managed to notice the approaching humans (The other four rolled a nat 1 for their surprise check).
During the first few rounds of combat, Jerry managed to blind one of the bugbears, and tried the leader, but failed (he made his save), then felt useless as most his other spells, he couldn't think of a good use for. Carl almost got dropped by the broad swords of the four lesser bugbears, while all four of the arrows the leader fired, MISSED (Yea his rolls sucked).. OOg however, hit most every arrow he shot, taking two out in under 3 rounds of fire..
After the leader took one swig of his limited dose potion of speed, he engaged in melee, and the party found it hard hitting him, due to his greater AC than the party has been used to so far (HIS high Dex, shield prof and the fact it was a human body shield, large in his hands, made him AC -2!). But slowly and surely they whittled him down, promting the morale of the two surviving bugbear warriors, to try and flee. Though Brant tried calling for them to capture one, the resultant arrows in the back from Carl and Oog, killed them both (along with all 3 of the dogs going to town).

After the battle, Brant had used is healing to at least bandage up one of the other bugbear, to try and question them, but after realising NO ONE spoke their tongue, they just slit his throat and started making food out of them (thinking since bugbears can eat humans, humans should be able to do the same.. I will have to ask about that, before getting back to them, on whether it would be ok or not).

During the time they held up there healing, Brant managed to calm a vulture, with his animal friendship, then Joth popped off a Speak with Animal on it, giving them a slightly better scout, who may know the area better..

They had learned of a bone pit that the vulture (and his two other flying friends) would drop bones of what they had eaten in, that was in the center o that small woods, and Brant and Jerry thought, "HMM maybe that is what those skeletal buggers, were guarding.. THEY MUST have been guarding something..."

(out of game i had never actually intended it to be anything other than color/flavor stuff, but the gutso the group gave to investigating the pit, made me decide to actually make something OF IT plot wise....)

After locating the bone pit, then doing some more scouting, they came across three other Kephrinn, all on the northern edge of the forest, two in a 'deactivated state' (just standing there so no flame), the other though WAS walking around.. Jerry and Mathar thought this was highly unusual, so they MUST be a North guard post for that pit thing.. They made battle plans, popped off several spells (Joth is making good use of that Magical stone spell!), and engaged.. Though the fight actually went somewhat swift, it still tore into Carl and Mathar, Carl actually got dropped, needing just a day of bed rest... Luckily they had saved the body shield of the bugbear leader, to use as a litter, so they could carry him.. {Pastor Joe had forgotten that the magical two handed sword from the Kephrinn leader was with him now, so forgot he DID have a means of thwaking the undead without needing the magical stones, but so far, seems to be loving USING that spell!}

They rested up, then went to the east and western portions of the forest, thinking there were more of those 'guards', but found nothing. Brant even got curious that he's YET TO encounter any normal animals, such as non carrion birds, rabbits, voles or the like.. Which makes him wonder "What gives!"

After Carl got back on his feet, the party spent almost a whole day trying to figure out what the pit was, but since no one in this band (Brother Yoodaz would have been good here), had spell craft, Undead lore or religion, couldn't make heads or tales of it..
Though Joth had the bright idea to try some manner to try and Sanctify/De-consecrate the pit, so if it WAS being used to animate/create those undead, it won't be used or that purpose anymore, but his merger spell power currently, is not sufficient to do the job.. He DID take some of the gems they had so far gathered, some bones, twigs and twine, and crafted himself a set of Augury sticks, for using that spell.. Though his attempt to use it, provided no answers.. So he doesn't know yet, if the sticks he odd-jobbed up, work, OR whether his questions just got a bad roll so learned nada...

While this was going on, Jerry, started sending out curses, foul language, and generally did what he thought may "peeve off the Bugbear god(S)" that may be responsible for this pit thinggy, then (after i warned him "ARE YOU SURE You wish to do that", too the skull of the Bugbear leader they had killed, and placed i in the center of the pit, AND TOOK A LEAK IN IT..
Out of game and in game i asked was he sure of that, and since he was, i had him make a save vs spell, which he promptly failed netting for now, a minor curse FROM one of the bugbear gods, that in future if he encounters bugbear shamans and priests, he will suffer a -1 penalty to his saves, vs ANY spell (or granted powers) they use on him..

THEN JERRY decided to drop trowl, and took a DUMP in the skull, though luck (and maybe the blessing of Sarajin) was on his side as he made THAT SAVE....

Man is some of the stuff these 3 have done, making me bust a lung, laughing!

After finishing off that day, they headed back to Fort forgotten, where they gathered up Everyone.. Joth, Mathar and Brant spent a day, fixing up a horse troff, which Joth filled with water (via Create water),and a hanging hook to set up his Bag of Horse feed magic item, then left all the mounts, wagon and carts back, and ALL headed out (inc the two men at arms, and both NPC's), heading to the south-western tip of the larger northern forest, thinking, that since it has been a good year or more, since the last party cleared it out, maybe some monsters have re-occupied it...

Just prior to hitting it, they had the last encounter of the night, a Four pack of Orogs riding Worgs. The leader of this quartet was a Light crossbow specialist, the other 3 just used spears and shields, though two of them (and their mounts) were surprised..
The first round of combat, saw the leader shoot a Bolt into jerry, that put out a Stinking cloud like effect, causing both him AND brother Yoodaz, to choke for 4 rounds.. Over the next 3 rounds, he fired off five more light quarrels *with his 3/2 rate of fire), but only one other hit, however Carl made his save vs being blinded by the bright flash of light it gave out, Brant was unlucky as he was standing in the 15ft sphere, and failed HIS save, getting blinded for 5 rounds... During the battle, Oog and Carl took out three of the wargs with their arrow fire (man was Joe's dice, HOT for Oog, but Cold as heck for Mathar).

Over the rounds, the party slowly whittled down the Orogs, and eventually the morale of the last 1 and his Worg broke, but they got cut down before they had a chance to flee.... Netting some treasure, we capped the night here (as it was almost 7pm, a solid 5 and a half hrs of gaming)...

The gang will play again in 2 weeks, and Trevor mentioned he MAY be able to bring someone else... Hope so!
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
Citizen of Undermountain
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

Game day 4 in the books. Stephen canxed on Friday due to some family thing, but will be able to hopefully make it next time.. So we had just Trevor and Pastor Joe show up. Stephen's two characters got split, to where Trev ran Brother Joth, while Brant was ran by Pastor Joe..

So we left off where the gang just got done with the four Worgs and Orogs.. One captured, the rest slain.. They started talking about interrogating the guy, how to go about it, who spoke any languages it may know and the like, AND needed to rest up due to Carl having been knocked out.

Mather and Oog, being the more "out there" guys, talked amongst themselves for a while, trying to figure out the best way to do said interrogation, and wondering 'would he be better off, acting like we were allies, say hidden by a phantasmal force, or go 'bad cop, weird cop and insane cop"...

So they opted for the latter.. First off, they tied him up, hit him with a blindness spell, put him in a small pit, THEN covering him with the pelt, they skinned from a Worg, hoping it would be too stinky for him to tell what was going on. They then started.

They first asked about his group, were they camping nearby, or were they a patrol
Orog answered "patrol. Washed ashore near, after boat wrecked. Others got off somewhere south of us, we were out looking. Lost several others in wreck."
Then they asked about who sent them, why etc...
Grook was the response. Not sure yet who that is though. Asked where he was headed, and by the answer they got, it sounded like they were maybe there to reinforce the orcs that had sacked Fort forgotten, though THEY had not stayed around to occupy it...

Getting into some more info gathering, Brant had the great idea to intimidate it more, by making it VERY uncomfortable, as he set his last living mutt, go HUMP the Orog, which earned a number of chuckles from the party, and a LOT of squeals from the Orog... The few Good PC's thought it was a bit much, but to the chaotic good folks, it wasn't really up to the level of proper torture...

They even got word that the Orogs were warned to stay AWAY from the northern potion of the north woods... BUT did not get an answer as to WHY, or who warned them... That made Brother Josh and Brother Yoodaz, worried..

While this was going on, Jerry, consulted with Brother Yoodaz, to ask about the bugbear gods, what their symbols were and the like, thinking if they came across more Orogs or gnolls, they could potentially sow discontent, by painting skulls on their dead bodies, since it SEEMS skulls are the symbol, for Grankhul, the god who 'cursed' Jerry...

Satisfied they got all they could, they swiftly dispatched the Orog, and Oog did it Cleanly, a warrior's death (decapitation!)... They rested up there for two more days, to ensure everyone had been healed up.. Jerry even regenerated the Armor spell for both Brother Yoodaz and Brant's surviving dog (it had worn off due to damage!)...

Then they headed into the woods, searching for this fabled tower.... Mather and Carl both took turns climbing trees, to get their bearings and saw the tower, a number of miles away through the dense forest.. 45 feet high itself, but sitting UP in the air, like it was already ON something raised up.. So they had a bearing, but even with the ranger, Brant leading, they still got lost a few times, but luckily had planned to stop every now and then, to have Carl scarper up a tree to see where it was...
Eventually they neared it but had to bed down for the night.

Then during the 2nd watch shift, they got rumbled into by a random pack of four ghouls with one ghast (NOT leading, just with them)..
Though the battle was on, and lasted a while, ONLY ONE pc got paralyzed, their saves were GREAT! Even when the ghast smacked on Brodas, who rolled a nat 19 to wake up, so kept snoring onward, taking a good bit of damage in the process, Pastor Joe, rolled a nat 18 for his save, so he wasn't paralyzed..

Eventually they were dispatched, and only three needed any real healing (Brant, Brodas and Mather).. The Ghouls hit a # of times, but always seemed to roll very poorly for damage.. one point hit here, two there..

Then day break came, and they finished their trek to the tower, and came upon it.. Seeing a 50 or so ft around large dirt and rock mount, that had been flattened, then the tower itself sitting on the mount (so it sat u HIGHER), a 20ft round, 45ft tall tower of rock.. The doorway rotted away, and most of the internal wood structure likewise.. Carl and Mather both climbed up the outside, getting on the top, found a trap door in the floor/ceiling, that led to the remnants of a ladder, probably to the 3rd floor, which barely had any wood sticking out of the stone, as evidence it once existed..
After tying a rope, that had knots in it, the gang camped up top for a while, ate their meal, and discussed what to do next...

The two men at arms, Brodas and brother Yoodaz, were left top side, while the rest entered the sub levels, traveling slowly, with the way lit by one of their continual light torches.. After scaring away a pair of small rats, in a rubbish pile, they slowly made their way through the basement level, then found the down chute (formerly a natural well, wondered Jerry and Joth), the evidence from the prior adventuring band, in the form of an iron spike still in the wall, with tatters of rope tied to it.. Then the two ladders, iron barred to the well's side.. Very new too!.. They even saw some inscriptions from the prior band, carved into the rock walls with a knife saying
"Aethlred, Tostig and co wuz here'.. "and so too was the dumb-dumb, who died, going it alone"....

This piqued their interest, then they tied a new rope to the pitton, so three could clamber down at a time.. Soon they were in the natural caves. The largeish room holding some standing water, a few skeletal remains near the edge of it (2-3 inches deep), along with a skull staked to one of the walls via a crossbow bolt.. No one bothered it..

Forming a line to go through the somewhat windy cavern corridors, they went. Mather in the lead, followed by Brant, Oog, then Carl, with Joth and Jerry bringing up the rear.. However, since their Continual light torch lit a LARGE area ahead of them, their SLOW march, gave the Gnolls lairing down here, time to prep up..
After coming to a four way intersection, they were embattled by eight gnolls from a right ward (east), cave area, Brant thinking it must have been a guard post, and four more from the west side (the left)..

The battle was on.. Four of the eight from the eastern side, were wearing studded leather, had shields and long swords, so were obviously the melee guys, while the other four wore hide and had bows, but since they were taller, they could stand Back, and fire OVER any melee in front, to hit those in the backs of the party's ranks..
It took only two rounds for the first casualty, as Jerry got dropped to -2, from arrow fire, Carl was also being plinked into. BUT Oog took the opportunity to return fire over the heads of the group at the archer gnolls..
However, unlike the battle with the hell flies or Orogs, Luck was not with Oog... Joth pulled the downed Jerry back, bound his wounds (at -4hp), then stood back shooting his bow...

Slowly the party took damage, while little had been done to the Gnolls. One of the four gnolls, from the western (left) side, disappeared, the two melee guys stood back and waited their turn to get into melee. The other archer, stood back to avoid being shot at... One of the archers took a nasty crit, from Carl's bow, taking an arrow to the eye.. EEEEWW.. He was out of the battle.. Then another fell.. However, Oog was getting plinked, and the damage slowly was hitting into Brant... Mather who had a potion of heroism, finally made the choice, to back OUT of combat, to give Joth a chance to get into melee, so he could hand the potion over to Oog..

While this was going on, Carl ran back, fleeing six rounds worth, to get back UP to the tower's lower level, where they left the others, to get reinforcements.. IT was good he did, as the gnoll who 'retreated', had gone and warned his leader (a sub-commander of fourth level), and his shaman assistant (a third level priest), who prepped both him and the leader up with protection from Good spells, a sanctuary on the priest.. While that was being done, they each had two female flinds assist them getting their armor donned swifter than normal
By my house rules, if someone has to put armor ON, it takes a # of round equal to the BASE AC it grants, so Chain (AC5) takes 5 rounds. Half if you have one assistant, 1/3rd if you have two.
SO since both had to put on their splint mail (AC4, so six rounds normal) it only took 2 rounds to do so with the pair of assistants each...

The Shaman closed in, and got close enough to the battle, he started Chanting (the spell), while the lead warrior, started plinking away with his strength Gnoll war bow.. IT HURT!

A # more rounds (iirc 8) passed before the party had dropped 2 more of the gnolls, and slowly but surely Brant was feeling the battle wear on him, so did Joth. Joth had popped off two dust devil spells, setting one to hit on the leader, the other to hit at some of the archers..
HE never hit with the one on the leader so never figured out it wouldn't have struck, had it even hit, since IT IS summoned, ergo wouldn't have broken through the protection from good's barrier..
Eventually Joth stepped out of melee, to let Oog in, so he could swing his new two hander.. since after all, GNOLLS ARE LARGE FOES!
Though heavier, it seemed to swing lighter than his bastard sword (since it was magical), but luck still was not with him, even after consuming the heroism potion.. That bonus HP boost he got, slowly got wore off.. And eventually HE fell, and FAILED On his con check to remain standing... Just after though,
Carl made it back in, with Brother Yoodaz and Looredd Brodas in tow.. His first shot from HIS strength bow, scored a nasty blow on the leader, however the leader MADE HIS con check to stay standing...

Slowly, the reinforcements helped take out many of the gnolls, though four did flee, some scarpering north (straight on), and two westward.. The party took THEIR chance, and gathered their wounded, and scarpered themselves, back all the way up to the basement level.. To lick their wounds...
Though they did nab what they could from the fallen leader, scavenged 11 of 28 arrows that missed back, and found 8 arrows hidden in the bunk area the 8 gnolls had came from, before they left..

This is where we left the game off at, as it was a natural stopping point.
I may have one new player, who expressed interest via the Guard tower's Discord server, and Trevor said he may be able to bring another.

SO IF those two do join up, Stephen gets back from what ever is happening with his family, AND either of the other 2 who initially rogered up finally shows up, that may give me a full SIX person party..

YAY... Here's keeping my fingers crossed...
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

So we had session 5 today.. WE had to miss the last scheduled game day to the snow emergency in the area.. BUT also Pastor Joe was absent due to some church stuff he had to attend to out of state.. SO returning was Trevor (playing Jerry and Carl), Stephen (Playing Brand and Joth), Stephen took over playing Mathar, while Trevor took over playing Oog. Also were in 'the pack' was Brother Yoodaz and Looredd Brodas, and the two spearmen man-at-arms...

After the encounter with the Gnolls, the gang had fled back up to sub-level 1, where they removed the rope, but couldn't do anything with the ladders.. So kept Brodas on guard duty with the two men-at-arms watching the well, while the rest healed up. Oog succeeded in his System shock roll, to have the four days he was down, and out, to just two. Jerry however, failed it, so needed all 4 he was down for.. While this went on, Joth and Brother Yoodaz spent 2 full days healing, most everyone up, though 2 of them carried 3hp of damage till the following day.

While this was going on, Stephen, wondered why the gang didn't do any scouting out last session (but as he was absent and the others ran both his guys), so this time he thought it through. After using Brand's animal friendship, they then used Speak with animals and befriended 3 rats.. Brand and Joth, then took turns talking to them, getting some info on why they have not gone down the ladder, (something in the water burns their feet, that made Brand wonder is it acidic, light that may be, since their leather boots had no issues, nor does the wood of the ladders. OR it could be something alkaline.. BUT that's some sort of puzzle for later to figure out..

Brand then took all 3 of his new rat companions down stairs in his pack, after feeding them, then talked them into doing a little scouting.. Due to their speed, it took them all day to get most of the eastern and north-eastern portions of the 2nd sub-level, finding that there were four 'short' hairy tall two leggers, but wore chains (rats know about them, due to someone in the past, had chains ON some of the rats, keeping them as pets), some areas where 'nesting' was (beds), some areas of shineys (spare swords and suits of armor for the guards), but not much else.. Since he did tell them to come back after one day, Brand went down on day 2 to collect them. By the end of that day, Oog got done with his bed rest, but the gang Felt they'd need Jerry up so waited 2 more days..
By this time, Joth and Brand had befriended a 4th rat, that would accompany them downstairs...
(OOC this gave the party Three at 4th level, five at 3rd, and two at 1st, for a total of 29hd worth for their side!.)

The gang went down, with their Light sources smothered, the rest hanging back, while Brand scouted out ahead using his infravision.. Slowly they got back to where the big battle was, finding NO bodies (this made Brand wonder what was up, but they pressed on. He slowly moved forward northward, eventually his heat senses picked up four more heat sources.. Some more guards probably, guarding what though?? he didn't know.
OOC they were guarding the area where the 2nd well, leads down to the NEXT sub-level!..

So he snuck back, or so he thought (his MS roll failed by 8), Alerting the four guards he saw, that something was up, though only ONE actually heard him (however THEIR infravision, being only 30ft) couldn't spot him, the sound was enough to make them edgy..
As they ARE on guard duty, they were under instructions to "not pursue" past a certain area, but held off till they got the others that they were 'given' for the rest of upstairs duty (there was 9 total up stairs, 5 melee guys, and four archers. The melee guys are long sword specialists, and due to their shield profs and chain had AC of 2), the archers just had hide but their good Dexterity gave them an AC of 2 (6 if surprised or from the rear!!) The shaman, who fled from the last session's battle, was also here, kitted out in his gear, and having prepared some different spells.. Sanctuary, Cure lt wounds x2 and Protection from good for 1st, silence, Chant and one Cure mod wounds for 2nd. He still has yet to replace his crossbow he had broken last time, so just went with spells..
Prepping up his PfG, then Sanctuary, he walked up behind the five melee guys, towards where the party would eventually engage them, but did so slowly.. The Witch doctor (they had not encountered last time), also came out to play (he was 3rd level, same as the shaman). He prepped with a Shield spell, and a color spray for 1st, and a stinking cloud for 2nd.. He opted for that, rather than his other 2nd level spell, dagger storm (ONE of my new ones as mentioned in the Work shop)...

The party for their part, prepped by having Brand, on one side of the northern face of the four way corridor, Mathar on the other, the two men at arms behind him, followed by Carl on the western side.. Brother Yoodaz and Jerry, in the room / bedding area to the east, while Joth and Oog hung back. In the middle between Brand and Mather, stood Brodas, crouching with his body shield at the ready...

Then Mather threw out his torch that Jerry had a Continual light on (I treat it that the Mage version, CAN BE 'capped', but the priest version cannot). His throw put it out almost 40ft, illuminating everyone in the party for the most part, AND the line of five sword and shield wielding Gnolls, 3 archers behind them and the shaman and witch doctor... They were almost on TOP of where the torch was thrown.

SINCE both sides were prepped for battle, and KNEW Something was coming, i didn't bother with Surprise rolls for EITHER side...
(This gave nine guys at 2hd, and two guys at 3hd for the gnolls making them have 24hd total.. 3 less than the party.. Should be a roughly even fight!!)

The Shaman and witch doctor halted their movement, just prior to the tossing of the torch, so were prepped for spell casting, the pcs launched some arrows... BUT due to real bad rolls, it took almost till the 7th round for the first gnoll to have gotten dropped..
Mather and Carl both got dropped due to the WD's Stinking cloud, and it's mistiness gave some concealment mods for those behind it.
Jerry came out after the cloud dissipated and tried a blindness on one of the tall archers, but he saved.. THEN HE GOT hit by several arrows, dropping him into the negatives again.. (DOH, 2nd battle, 2nd time dropped!). Brother Yoodaz made sure he didn't slip too far into the negatives..

Slowly Oog, Brand and Joth took damage, but they also started getting a turn in luck on the dice, and 2 more Gnolls dropped.. By now the 3 archers were all out of arrows, so dropped their bows, drew their short swords, and engaged in melee. Then one of the men-at-arms dropped.. At this time, 8 combat rounds had gone by.. THIS WAS a long grueling battle!

BY this time, the Shaman had barked some orders back, to the area his group had come from, and the party heard a loud Gong sound three times... The party wondered what this was, but didn't have anything they could do about it..

After a number of other rounds, to where even the Shamans PFG had expired, the gang had slain 8 of the 9 gnolls, but Brand had joined Jerry and the man-at-arms, and Joth in being ko'ed. This forced the last to flee (to where the Witch doctor had waltzed off to, and the shaman's morale also broke..
This spurred on Oog, Mather, Carl and Brodas to chase those three down, somewhat filled with a blood lust..

They slew the witch doctor, the Shaman and the archer, brutally, but stood around, giving the reinforcements, from downstairs, the time to get Up stairs and prepped (3 more melee guys, 3 more archers).

Unfortunately, this is where things took a nasty turn.. First to drop was Oog..
Then Mather..
Then Carl..

Brodas fought a good last man effort, but he also got killed...

So we ended the game day, with Three guys down and needing bed rest, one man-at-arms unsure, and Four dead...
OR ARE they???
(OOC, The gnolls got ordered by one of the SL3 guys, to save ONE for questioning. I asked Pastor Joe which of his two he'd like saved, and he said Oog, so he will be the one they make prisoner.. the other 3 though, are RIP...)
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

Now, by my HR, normally at the current level average, a Primary PC is built up as if they had 10k xp to use, Back ups are at 5k, and if someone dies, their tertiary would be at 2,5k.. BUT i was reminded of an older HR i used to have, where if someone dies in the FIRST FIVE SESSIONS (Or five after they join in), their replacement is capped AT being just another back up level (so 5k).. So Mathar lost a primary, and his back up is captured. So he is getting to make a new back up, and HOPES the gang can rescue Oog..
Trevor has not yet said what he wants to make, to replace Carl.

And i finally heard back from David W, and he can start gaming, the next session (first one in march).. YAY.. He's looking to make a mage primary, and is unsure on his back up..
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

So for Joe's human ranger. Neutral good alignment, height 6ft 3" (75 inches), weight 178lb.

Built via point buy method (again).
Str - 3 base, 15 points allocated making it a 17. (+1 to hit, +1 to damage, 85lb weight, 220lb max press, 10 open doors, 13% bend bars)
Dex - 3 base, 15 points allocated, making it a 17. (30 spent). (-3 ac/+3 save, +2 missile adjustment/initiative modifier).
Con - 3 base, 13 points allocated, making it a 16. (43 spent) (+2hp/hd, 95% system shock, 96% resurrection)
Int - 3 base, 5 points spent, making it a 8 (48 points spent) (1 language bonus)
Wis - 3 base, 12 points allocated, making it a 15. (60 points spent) (+1 mental save bonus)
Cha - 9 base. 2 points spent, making it a 11. ALL points spent. (4 henchmen).

HD: D10 +2. HP; 33. Rolls: 10, 8, 9

Weapon slots: 4 base, +1/3 levels (5). Slot 1 - Short sword, Slot 2 - Long sword. Slot 3 - Quarterstaff, Slot 4 - Spear. 3rd level slot, saving till 5th level, so can specialize in Short sword. (plans to then use 6th level slot to gain 2nd level of two-weapon fighting, so can dual wield 2 short swords).

Non-weapon slots: 3 base, +1/3 levels (4). FREE -Tracking. 1st slot modern languages - common. 2nd slot - Animal lore. 3rd slot - Fishing. Bonus slot - Boat piloting. 3rd level slot - Seamanship.

Saves: P/P/DM 13, Pet/Poly 14, R/S/W 15, Breath 16, Spell 16.
Thac0 base 18. 17 melee. 16 missile.
AC: 3. 6 surprised.

Ranger species enemy - chose Gnolls for first one (Flinds are related)
Vs Gnolls; +4 to hit, +1hp/level damage (currently +3)
Vs Flinds (related to), +2 to hit, currently +1 to damage (once hit’s fourth will become +2 to damage).

Equipped with:
Services - One year membership in warrior’s guild.

Animals - Donkey with pack saddle. Holds 2 barrels of grain, 2 weeks iron rations, large chest (*), 1 silk rope 50 ft, 10ft fishing net, and small tent.

(*) Large chest holding - one common robe, 2 spare sets of drawers, bullseye lantern, 2 rag pants, 1 set good pants, 2 tunics, 1 vest, 1 towel large, winter coat and pair of sandals.
In back pack - 4 flasks lamp oil, bedroll, flint and steel, whet stone, wine skin, sounding horn and 1 week standard rations.

Tied to backpack - Spear quiver holding 5 spears. 1 roll 50ft silk rope.

Worn - Studded leather +1, belt with 2 small pouches and a scabbard for spare short sword, , back harness with 2 scabbards on (Left one for long sword right one for short sword), Ring of Swimming (on right hand), soft boots with one dagger in left boot, 1 sets of draws under armor. One small pouch holds small silver mirror, other holds 2 flasks of greek fire.

Transportation - War canoe, with 4 oars. (uses them with invoker, and war priest, Sister Agnes, to do patrols, up and down coast north of Porca, and the Junessa river)

Readied; Long sword (in left hand), short sword (in right).

Remaining money: 125gp, 4 cp, 2 sp.

Encumbrance level ; Light Carrying 89.5lb weight. Move 9.
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

And for the new guy who joined, David W, we have
Primary PC
Focht. Human Invoker specialist mage with the Militant Mage kit.
Chaotic Good alignment.
Height: 5ft 10” (70 inches) Weight: 145lb.

Attributes: (rolls 17, 15, 15, 10, 9, 12, 16, 14, 15, 12, 13, 6)
Str - 15. 55lb weight, 170lb max press, 8 open doors, 7% bend bars
Dex - 9. no mods
Con - 16. +2hp/hd, 95% system shock, 96% resurrection.
Int - 17. 6 bonus NWP/language slots, 8th level max spell, 14 max # spells per level, 75% chance to know
Wis - 12. No mods
Cha - 10. 4 henchmen

Hd - D4 +2. HP - 20
Rolls: 4, 3, 3, 2

Weapon slots: 1, +1/6 levels (1). Quarter staff. Kit bonus - Short bow.

Non-weapon slots: 4 base +1/3 levels, + int bonus; (5). Kit bonus - Endurance.
1st slot read/write common, 2nd slot swimming, 3rd slot navigation, 4th slot fishing. 1st and 2nd bonus from Int Monster lore base. 3rd bonus Weather sense, 4th bonus spell crafting, 5th bonus Modern languages - Gnoll, 6th bonus Direction sense. 3rd level slot spent on Monster lore Aquatic.

Saves: P/P/DM 14, Pet/Poly 13, R/S/W 11, Breath 15, Spell 12.
+1 vs saves against spells from Invocation school of magic!

Thac0 base 19.
AC: 4. 5 surprised or while casting..

Equipped with:
Stored in large chest - Spellbook, 2 spare sets pants, 1 spare vest, 2 tunics, 3 shirts, winter cloak and winter blanket. 1 week iron rations

In back pack - small tent (tied on bottom), bed roll, 2 water skins, 25 feet cord, 3 fish hooks, 3 scroll cases (one holding six sheets of parchment), Toddle’s skillet (new item), Towel, quiver holding 20 flight arrows,

Worn - Bracers of Defense AC 5, 1 pair pants, 1 vest, 1 common robe, 1 belt with 2 large pouches, (one contains 3 quills and 2 vials of standard ink, other holds 2 bars of soap and small silver mirror),

Transportation - none.

Readied; Quarter staff.

Other carried items - Short bow, Wand of Flame Gout (22 charges), 3 small sacks.

Remaining money: 66 gp, 4 cp, 6sp.

Encumbrance level ; 43.6ln, non encumbered.

Combat info;
Quarterstaff, d6 damage, 19 thac0, 6 speed, 1/1 attack.

Spells: Three 1st and two 2nd level spells. +1 first and second invoker specialist bonus. Barred from Illusion/Phantasm, Enchantment/Charm and Conjuration/summoning spells.

Spells known; 1st level - Read magic, Detect magic, Cantrip, Magic missile, Light
Shield, Protection from evil, Identify, Spider climb, Mending, Wall of Fog.
(Rolled 99 to know Jump, must either increase Intelligence to re-try, OR research it himself).

2nd level - Darkness 15’ radius, Continual light, Web.

Back up character:
Anastasius. Human Psionicist. Neutral Good alignment.
Height 6ft (72). Weight 164lb.

Attributes: (14, 13, 12, 13, 6, 9, 16, 14, 13, 14, 10, 12)
Str 12. 45lb weight, 140b max pres, 6 open doors, 2% bend bars.
Dex 13. No mods.
Con 14. 88% system shock, 92% resurrection.
Int 14. 4 bonus NWP/Language slots. No spell info.
Wis 16. +2 mental saves.
Cha 10. 4 henchmen.

Hd - D6. HP - 14.
Rolls: 6, 5, 3

Weapon slots: 2, +1/5 levels (2). 1st Short sword, 2nd Light crossbow (Spear gun).

Non-weapon slots: 3 base +1/3 levels (4). 1st slot Rejuvenation. 2nd slot meditative focus, 3rd slot Read/write common, 4th slot Swimming. 1st bonus int Seamanship, 2nd and 3rd bonus int Appraising, 4th bonus int Rope use. 3rd level slot left open.

Saves: P/P/DM 13, Pet/Poly 10, R/S/W 15, Breath 16, Spell 15.
Gains +2 save vs any form of enchantment/charm like power or spell.

Thac0 base 19.
AC: Hide + shield +1 from magic of Hide armor. 4 overall.

Combat info:
Short sword, d6/d8 dam, 1/1 attack. Speed 3
Crossbow, light. D6 dam. Thac0 drops to 18 due to magic of bow. Range 30/120/180. 1/1 rate fire. Speed 5.

Equipped with:
Worn: Hide armor +1, small wooden shield, backpack *, belt with 3 small pouches, soft boots, scabbard tied to belt holding short sword, pair drawers, good cloth cloak, Belt pouch 1 holds whet stone, and 1 vial ink. Belt pouch 2 holds bar of soap,

In Backpack: Tinder box, scroll tube with 4 sheets parchment, bolt case holding 20 bolts, water skin, winter blanket, two towels, 1 week iron rations,

Small chest holding - 2 pairs pants, 2 shirts, 1 tunic, 2 spare sets drawers, 1 winter cloak

Readied: Light crossbow +1.

Remaining money: 88gp

Encumbrance; 36.8lb, non-encumbered.

Psionicist information:
Disciplines that has access to; 2
Sciences; 2
Devotions; 7
Defense modes; 2
PSP’s; 22 base, +11/level total 44.

Primary Discipline: Psychokinesis.
1st science - Telekinesis. Wis-3 check (13). Cost 3+, Maint 1+/round.
2nd science (gained at 3rd level) - Detonate. Con-3 check (11). Cost 18. No maint.
1st devotion - Inertial barrier. Con -3 check (11). Cost 7 base. Maint 5/round.
2nd devotion - Molecular agitation. Wis check (16). Cost 7 base. Maint 6/round.
3rd devotion - Cryokinesis. Wis check (16). Cost 8 base. Maint 7/round.
4th devotion (gained at 2nd level) - Magnetize. Int-1 check (13). Cost 2+. No maint
5th devotion (gained at 2nd level) - Static Discharge. Int-3 check (11). Cost 5 base, Maint 5/round.

Secondary discipline: Clairsentience
6th devotion (gained at 3rd level) - Danger sense. Wis-3 check (13), Cost 4 base, Maint +3/turn.
7th devotion (gained also at 3rd level) - Sense magic. Wis-3 check (13), Cost 6, maint base, +6/round.
Last edited by garhkal on Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

So for the total rundown of characters, i have
Trevor - Jerry 4th lev illusionist, human. Made up his new back up, "Bad-ass" Betty, a Human fighter (Female), who though is specialized in the Short sword, ALSO has a Lucern hammer!!! And currently has the first level of Two-weapon fighting, and hopes at 6th to gain the 2nd level of it, so she can dual wield short swords. Her fourth starting weapon slot, went into taking one prof in Punching! And she wore a nasty cestus on her off hand, so could punch AND Smack with her short sword!!

Stephen - Brand, 4th level half elf ranger, and Brother Joth, 3rd lev human priest of Sarajin

Pastor Joe - Oog (captured), 3rd lev human barbarian. Made up a 3rd level human ranger, Gabriel as his replacement. Gnoll for HIS hated foe.. So he had fun in tonight's game!

and lastly David W. his primary is Focht. Named after the guy from Battletech lore (novels) a 4th level human Invoker. And Anastasius, a 3rd level human Psionicist.

Adding to that, we still have both men-at-arms, now given names. Bart (MAA1) and Reggie (MAA2).
and the last npc in the party, Brother Yoodaz, 3rd lev human priest of save'k'nor .

So Session 6. WE had Trevor show up, made up his new fighter, a female known as "Bad-ass Betty", to replace Carl, the thief who died. David W with his Invoker and Psionicist. and Pastor Joe, who had Gabriel, the new human ranger. Oog was still captured.
And for tonight's session, we played at My house, so as to not have all the noise from the store, bothering us....

So we had the primary group, still on the island, consisting of Brant (currently down for 5 days of bed rest), Jerry (down for 2 days of bed rest), Reggie the man-at-arms (also needing 3 days of bed rest), Bart (up and active), Yoodaz (up and active), and Brother Joth (up and active, though he did get knocked out, taken right down to 0hp!). Reggie woke up Joth after dragging him away, while Yoodaz first carried Jerry away, then carried Brand. After getting them all up the ladder, Joth regained consciousness, and then Brother Yoodaz, stepped in as one of only 3 actively up guys (the man -at-arms and joth), and wisely spoke up
"Guys, we have no idea what has happened down below with the others... For all we know Four of our group are dead. AND we are in serious need of rest and healing. Since Joth got knocked out, he won't be casting any healing spells soon, and i normally only keep 2 cures of both first and second level memorized.. So at most, i can get him up to full health, along with Bert the man-at-arms.. BUT then it would be us three, against what ever horde awaits.. WE know they didn't come up last time we rested, because MAYBE THEY Didn't know our strength, OR who we were. BUT i fear they now do.. So i suggest we wait elsewhere, while Brand and Jerry get on their feet"..

To this, Joth thought, while (Trevor playing the man-at-arms), suggested they go back up into the tower itself, it was more defensible after all..

While they then relocated everyone up topside, they waited.. First one day, then two.. Jerry was finally up and out of bed rest.. While this was going on, we got to group B, consisting of Focht, Anastasius, Gabriel, and a dwarf npc named Mellek Allkrek (also a psionicist, focused on telepathic and clairsentience). This group was part of a 12 man (the other 8 were men-at arms and their LT leader) who were out doing patrols, North of Porca, up and down the River Junnessa.. They had just finished doing some scouting in/around a blue-fur gnoll community (49 strong after a Red-fur gnoll raiding party had smashed the place just over a month and a half ago, stealing 9 of their women folk and killing 20 others, then they fled to the island in two large ships, Knarrs someone thought).

Anastasius and Focht were more than willing to help track them down, but didn't know where the aggressor gnolls had fled to, when the man-at-arms leader, someone native to Porca, who remembered the party that went TO the island recently told what he knew to Mellek (pronounced Meal Lick All creak). After using ESP on the leader (with his ok) to get a visual on the group that left (Jerry, Carl, Brand, Mather, Brother Yoodaz and Brodas), and so, started to try and use "Contact" to link minds with them. His first attempt, hit one dead guy (Mathar) so failed, and his 2nd try failed period (rolled a 18 for his check, needing a 13 to succeed). He succeeded linking to Jerry, but then failed with a Nat 20 on his mind-link to establish communication.
Jerry and Mellek spoke for a little, to establish who/what was up and what had happened.. Then Mellek tried, and failed TWICE to invoke "Psychic messenger", so HE could brief that group of the possible reinforcements that could be there soon.

After succeeding wit that all, but being very drained from the effort (he'd used up 51 of his 54 PSP's, leaving barely anything left), Focht ordered his group of men-at-arms and their LT, to help them re-locate their War canoe, closer to the coast, where they'd be able to launch from, HOPING luck and the weather would be with them, so they could ROW to the island..
After 3 days of travel with the Canoe on folks shoulders, they reached the coastline.. Then Focht, Anastasius and Gabriel set off... Mellek stayed with the patrol as was his duty to the crown, but they would take news of what happened to Porca, then to Escormian to see if some more men-at-arms could be sent out soon, to try and reinforce the party..

Their first try with their boating failed miserably, barely 1/2 a mile off shore, but luckily they were still close enough, Anastasius and Focht, used their NWP, so could swim back, with Gabriel was ok due to his ring of swimming. It took them a while to get back, dragging the canoe, but they made it..
After a rest and drying off of their gear, they tried again.. THIS time they went a little slower, so rather than coming in as they hoped, as dusk would be falling ,they would hit the coastline around midnight.. Save-k-nor and other gods, must have been shining on them during the 2nd try, because they made it with no issues...
After hitting a coastal beach on the island, they set up camp for the night and slept.

While this was going on, Brand eventually came too, spoke with the gang (as he's kind of the defacto party leader for now), and they all decided to have 3 head back to their main base camp, grab all their horses and dogs, and bring THEM to the tower..

Luck though was NOT with them, as that blue Dagon they saw a while back, had sniffed out the lair, and decided to lunch on Mathar's two mules... Leaving one pony, brand's medium war horse and the 2 dogs.... (alas one of Jerry's guard dogs died to the dagon).. The other 2 dogs were still agitated, but Brand was able to calm down the mounts.. After spending the night there, to get the last guard dog and war dog calmed, the threesome left back to the tower..
In the morning they set a 'smoke signal up' to hopefully guide in the 3 new characters..

After pleasantries had been exchanged, the group, now back up to 8 characters (7 pcs and 1 npc) and 2 men-at-arms, took their time to head back down, going first into the first sub-level, then slowly going back down to the 2nd, where they lost four comrades just almost a week prior... Strangely they didn't notice any gnoll bodies where they thought they'd be..

Brand slowly led the group back to the area where they had set up their battle line before, and still were shocked at no bodies.. Gabriel and Anastasius thought it would be best, to clear out the western corridors first, before continuing on.. "Better to not leave anything potentially harmful in your rear!"

Slowly but surely moving up, the group eventually came to a cavern where Brand's rat friends had noted the four "Fury's in chains".. And sure as their word, Four female gnolls were chained up.. Three were mottled brown and blue fur (mostly Joth and Yoodaz thought from continual beatings with whips), the fourth solid blue, but still had some nasty wounds on her back. Focht remembering he can not just speak to them, but they may be part of the group of 9 females that were taken, started chatting with the females.. since they were obviously non-combatants, he started off slowly, so as to not spook/scare them..

They learned a good bit of info, from the blue fur (we will call her Blanche), though Gabriel was hating it all, due to Gnolls being his hated enemy.. As such he stayed back a lot...
This level, had its own group of gnoll warriors one shaman, a witch doctor and a sub-chief. Based on how many Blanche said, the party felt it had taken them all out.. Then she started telling them about the next lower level.. that must have been where the new group of six, that had killed their comrades came from...
They looted the armor and weapons of the sub-commander, who's gear had gotten piled up in the middle of that room, and asked her "Do you know where the keys are for your neck collars"/
"Yea, the Shaman kept them."

So the party continued back, then explored another northern corridor, leading to where the females said water was, AND the personal treasure chest of the shaman.. Looting IT, they then headed back to the crossroads... Everyone having one arm on the guy in front, with Brand using his infravision, they slowly crept north from the crossroads, and got to where they saw Oog, Brodas, Carl and Mathar had been slain.. BUT still no bodies..
Bert, Reggie and Yoodaz stayed right there, while the rest entered the room where the witch doctor had came out from. They saw another blue fur female, chained up on the eastern wall, a hammock slung between 3 stalagtites, and a large pile of Gnoll bodies.. All had been stripped of weapons and armor.. Though the chain holding the keys was still on the shaman, and after Jerry did some hunting through pockets, another set of keys were found... This went to the chest they had already located.

The gang set to searching this room, after noticing one odd stalagtite on its own.. And located a hidden compartment, holding the witch doctors treasure. His spell book, some coins, gems and another book.. Anastasius used his 'see magic' psionic power, to scan the stuff, and noted that the 2nd book Was magical, and so was one of the daggers Jerry had recently acquired a few sessions back..

They took this haul back to where they left the four other females (after freeing the 5th), unchained them all.. Blanche, true to her word, appraised the gems (though failed on two of the 7), and two of the other party, who also had appraising, gave it a whirl and verified Blanches estimates of their worth.. on of them was a 800gp ruby, and two were pearls easily usable for the Identify spell!

After chatting some more, they got an agreement made with Blanche and the other 4 females, that THEY would head back up to the tower, and guard the horses, while the party would finish clearning out this tower.. AND hopefully then they could some how, get them all back to the mainland... (IF done, this would be worth some good story award XP!)...
More and more time got spent by the party, after getting back to the choke point splitting off to where the 6 reinforcements had come from, and where the witch doctors area was.. They spent quite a while up there, not only being on guard, but planning..

{ooc their noise had alerted some of th guards below, who kept out of sight of the hole from the 2nd down chute', and had alerted their main leader and other witch doctor that interlopers were back.. The Witch doctor, set about using HIS Psionics (Clairsentience and telepathic), to start scrying On the party.. Out of the casters, only Jerry felt weirded out (made HIS roll to detect scrying), but Anastasius also felt it.. THEN the witch doctor tried using his abilities ON anastasius, but his mental defenses were up to the task of holding him at bay... For now}

Realising that what ever plans they had been making were going to be fruitless now they Realized that the enemy had been scrying on them, they just had Brand stand back in the shadows BY the shute, while the rest would be just inside the 'choke point', to await what ever came...
A total of seven MORE gnoll warriors, slowly came up.. SOME even running up the ladders (which out of character speak were somewhat angled on a slope to where someone COULD try to run up, with a Dex check!)...
The first group of four were three melee guys, and one bow.. Then Two more of each joined on.

The battle was long and fierce. During the fight, one of the Gnolls got blinded, one of the archers, hit Focht with a magical arrow that created a zone of silence around him, another hit jerry, and almost took him out of combat (got knocked down to 1hp!), one of the men-at-arms got killed, and Betty had scored a nasty punch on one of the gnolls, ACTUALLY knocking him out..
Though a good amount of damage had been taken by the party, only Reggie really suffered (dead!), and they had won with CAPTURING 3 of the damn big beasts!

They spent what little of the night's session, interrogating them.
They learned that of the 12 remaining gnolls, all downstairs, one was another witch doctor, one was a shaman, one was their main leader, 4 more were females (non-coms), a 5th female, a flind warrior who served the main leader, and the rest were warriors...
They got a relatively good map to go by for next session... when they head down to the final area... MUAHAHAHAHAHAH.....
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

Before i get to session 7's notes, here is Betty's stats..
Betty “Brawler” Brofus. Human fighter (no kit) Chaotic Neutral alignment.
Age: 23 Sex: f Height: 5ft 8” (68”) Weight: 200lb
XP: Built at 5,000xp, good for 3rd level fighter.
Starts Game play with only 0xp. Hit die: d10.
HP Rolls: 10, 5, 8 HP: 29

Attributes: (Stat’s rolled 17, 16, 16, 13, 12, 12)
Strength 16. +1 damage. Weight allowance 70lb, Max press 195lb, Bend bars 107%, Open doors 9
Intelligence: 12. Bonus language/non-weapon slots 3. No spell info.
Wisdom 13. No bonuses or penalties
Dexterity 17. -3 AC/+3 defensive save, +2 missile/reaction
Constitution 16. +2hp/hd, 95% system shock, 96% resurrection
Charisma 12 Max # henchmen 4.

Weapons; 4 base +1/3 levels = 5 total slots (+1 from int), 1st and 2nd spec short sword, 3rd Maul, 4th Dagger. 1st Int bonus - Punching. 3rd level slot - First level of Two weapon style.

Non-weapon; 3 base, +1/3 levels = (4 slots total, + from Int). 1st to 3rd slot - Weapon smithing. 2nd and 3rd int bonus - Religion. 3rd level slot - Black smithing.

Combat info: Base thac0 18, Missile 16. Normal on/off hand penalty -2/-4.
Two weapon fighting specialty drops to -1/-3. Dex reaction adjustment makes
this 0/-1.

Dagger 18 thac0, d4+1/d3+1. Throw range 10/20/30. 1/1 melee or 2/1 throw. Speed 1.
Short sword. 17 thac0. 3/2 attack. Dam d6+3/d8+3. Speed 1.
Maul +1. 2d4+2/d10+2, 17 thac0, Speed 6.
Cestus - Thac0 17 (due to 1 slot in punching spec). d4+2/d3+2 dam. Can push what’s rolled on chart, up or down one level.

Equipped with: (Built with 240gp).

In Backpack - Bedroll, 1 week dry rations, towels, 2 small sacks, water skin, flint and steel, whet stone and 3 lamp oil flasks (Wrapped in towels), 3 iron spikes, 50ft Silk rope. Tied to side Maul +1
Worn - Chain mail, Gloves, Soft boots (holding 2 spare daggers), Belt with 1 large and 1 small pouch (Large holds 2 flasks of greak fire oil and whetstone, Small holds bar of soap, small metal mirror and Elixir of Health). 1 pair of drawers. Wool shirt, Drawers.

Stored in Small chest - 2 spare sets drawers, 2 tunics, 2 garnache’s, good cloth cloak, pair of pants, and hooded lantern.

Readied - On hand short sword, Off hand Dagger.

Money remaining; 55gp, 2 cp, 7 sp.
Carrying 92.7lb. Lightly encumbered.. 9 Move.
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

So on to session 7.. Stephen still couldn't make it, as his work has him doing some weekend shifts now.. He's not yet sure when he will be able to make it back. Joe and Trevor were good, and so was David, but after NEXT session (the 2nd of apr), he's not so sure if he will be able to make it for the 16th of apr.. So we will chat offline, about that to see what the gang wants to do.. Whether they want to shift a week up, to the 9th, or backward to the 23rd...

So that gave us David playing Fotch the invoker, and Anastasius the psionicist.
Trevor playing Jerry and Betty (and took over running Joth for the session).
Joe playing Gabriel the ranger, and he took over running Brand and the other man at arms, Bart). Brother Yoodaz the NPC was also up.
So the gang, down yet another person, the Man at arms Reggie., but both Jerry and Focht were almost out of spells, Anastasius was out of PSP's, and Brother Yoodaz was out of all his healing, the group set to rest up the night.
Only a few surprisingly were low on HP< that being Fotch, Gabriel, Brand and Anastasius.

During that night, two more 'scry' attempts were done by the second Gnoll witch doctor, which not one character detected.. So after the WD finished using his clairvoyance and clairaudience, he spent the rest of HIS evening regenerating his PSP total up.

Come morning, the group was discussing what to do, whether they should rush in, to where they HOPED those who may have been captured the other night were stashed, hoping against hope some of them survived, or whether to try and clear it out first, THEN rescue the others.. The first option won out.

So Brand and Betty went down first, followed by Gabriel and Focht. Then the two remaining dogs (blue the remaining guard dog of Jerry's, and Zep the remaining war dog of Brand), followed by Jerry, and lastly Anastasius and Joth (who Yoodas has placed a PfE on).. Brother Yoodaz and Bart would remain upstairs, just above the chute down.

The gang after all appraising the workmanship of the ladders, realized that they couldn't have taken them out without some blacksmithing skills (someone had did a great job making them AND fixing them to the chute's wall), but they were angled so someone, if they wanted, could try to run up OR down them (but with a dexterity check needed), or go down it regularly taking a round.

Since the Witch doctor had scried the party and learned their plan, the leader had arranged for a nasty meet and greet.. HE would hang back, waiting on word from some of his underlings on how WELL things would be going, before entering.
The witch doctor, and all four Flind warriors (two regular, two elites, one of which had a potion of berserking), would be hanging out just out of sight, in the corridor leading to where the "prisoners" would be held. He was under a Protection from good, cast by the Shaman.

The Shaman and his four gnoll warriors (two melee/two bow), would be east of them, coming out of one of the other corridors, hoping to catch the party in a flanking maneuver.. He was also under a sanctuary (his 2nd of two) and a protection from good). (the order they got cast was the two PFG's one on him first THEN the witch doctor, THEN the Sanctuary on himself last, SO there was 11 rounds of protection for the WD, 12 for himself for the PFG, and 4 rounds for the Sanctuary.)...

Since Brand and Betty came down first, that was the singal for the Flinds to slowly approach, hoping to draw OFF warriors, so the flanking Gnolls would have somewhat of an easier time of it...

HOWEVER< since that was also the time that Focht and Gabriel came down, all four could interact.. The first two flinds kind of formed a shield wall, after tossing their first two javelins, then going with their melee weaponry. The latter 2 (the taller pair), tossed their javelins, then waited, one with Morning star and shield (the berserker), the other with paired short sword and long sword... Brand, Gabriel and Betty met them, swords, shields and fur flying..

Then Focht hit off a Web spell, capturing Two of the four flinds, the other 2 saving..
By this time the two dogs and Jerry came down, and things got even more hectic..

Focht had approached the web, and used three full charges from one of his magic items (a wand of Flame gout, think burning hands on steroids) into the captured Flinds, one was dead, the other seriously wounded.. But the witch doctor was now protected by a mirror image spell, and the guys had issues getting to him...

Then the fit hit the shan, as the Gnolls came into fray.. BUT Focht hit THEM with a web catching one of the melee guys and one of the bowmen... the other melee guy had saved, and the 2nd bowman was out of range.. The Shaman pumped his alliws up with a bless, then took off to the side under the sanctuar's protection.

Several rounds went by, and Brand sucked hind tit after a Ray of Enfeeblement had hit him from the witch doctor, Anastasius and Betty had both been hit by magic missiles...

After Anastasius though had successfully put up Molecular agitation on the remaining Gnoll bowmen, Focht had been taken out by the other bowman and one last magic missile from the witch doctor..

More rounds went by, and Jerry joined in those down in the negatives, most of the others were having issues hitting, but slowly they worked through the rest of the flinds, however the berserker had drunk his potion of berserking, and was going toe to toe, smacking Gabriel.. Betty was now in the witch doctor's face, but wasn't having much luck.

Then the leader, his flind woman fighter, and the second sub-leader made it into combat, and the shaman was in Anastasius's face.. However he became naked, after Anastasius succeeded in Detonating his splint mail.
Joth got taken out too... Brother yoodaz used his ONE remaining item of magic, a Potion of heroism, he was saving for a female warrior he was courting), and handed it to brand...

A # of more rounds were spent, Brand finally came out of his Enfeeblement, Bandaging up Focht and -9hp, then Jerry at -6, and Joth at -8.

The Witch doctor seeing 7 of the 8 gnoll/flind warriors out of it, and his shaman ally neked, decided discretion was the better part of valor, consumed the last dose of his invisibility potion, and fled.. Though gabriel was hot in pursuit of his footprints, he couldn't catch up to the doctor's fleeting foot...

Eventually it was down to the leader only, Brand, and Gabriel, with the rest either tending to the wounded, or being out of it themselves..
The leader, though did something they never expected... HE USED UP BOTH balls, from his necklace of missiles (Chill ball version)!!! Even Brand suffered badly from it.. BY this time also, Bert the last MAA, and Blue the guard dog was also killed.. Luckily Zep the war dog only got KO'ed..

Seeing the battle had taken a heavy toll, the group set, to healing up what they could, stayed BY the chute since the area was now well lit, and The few up and active people, set to gather what they could of treasure, from the areas they KNEW of, and now knew were unoccupied...
In the horde, thye got LOTS OF loot, including a # of gems (two were pearls, one 100gp, one 400), so they at least have the capcity to potentially get some of the magical stuff identified....

Now all they need to do, is figure out what to identify, and what to wait for!! AND figure out, do they bother exploring the area where the Blue furred female said the Shamans used to dispose of the bodies of slain foes, or wait till everyone is up from bed rest or not!!

What really saved their bacon, was BOTH good uses of web, AND the use of that wand!
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

So for Morgan F's primary PC, we have [Edited due to him changing it to a full elf]Alarian, a FULL Elf Fighter/thief (3rd Fighter/4th thief).
He rolled his HP, and he did relatively ok, getting iirc 26hp total..

ATTRIBUTES: (rolls 17, 12, 14, 16, 9, 16, 14, 11, 9, 12, 15, 9)
Strength 17. +1 to hit/+1 damage, 195lb max press, 70lb weight. 10% bend bars, 9 open doors.
Dexterity 16 (+1 racial, 17 overall). +2 missile/initiative. -3 ac/+3 save.
Constitution 16 (-1racial, 15 overall). +1hp/hd, 90% system shock, 94% resurrection.
Intelligence 12. +3 language slots/NWP slots.
Wisdom 9. No adjustments.
Charisma 14. 6 Henchmen, +1 loyalty, +2 NPC reaction.

Weapon Proficiencies: 4 base +1/3 levels (5). 1st slot -Longbow prof. 2nd slot Spec Two handed weapon style (1st level of). 3rd slot - long sword prof, 4th slot - Short sword. 1st bonus int slot used for Ambidexterity. Saving 3rd level slot, to get 2nd level of Two-weapon fighting style specialty, ONCE can find a master to teach it!

Non-weapon proficiencies: 3 base +1/3. (4, +3 language slots). Blind fighting Elf (1st
slot), Bowyer/Fletcher (2nd slot), Modern languages - Common (3rd slot), Swimming (2nd
Bonus int slot), Cartography (3rd Bonus int slot), 3rd level slot Tumbling.

Combat info.
Wears Leather armor, +3 from Dex, +1 from Cloak of Protection +1. Granting AC of 4. (Had you taken Single handed weapon style specialty instead, you could have added 2 to your AC here).
Missile thac0 16 (18 base -2 dex. 15 with long or short bow),
Melee thac0 17 (16 with Long or short sword). (+1 short sword/long sword, short bow and long bow)

Long sword +1/+2 vs magic using Creatures , Speed 2, Damage d8+2/d12+2, thac0 drops to 15 due to magic of sword (14 vs magic using creatures). 1/1 attack.
Short sword, d6+1/d8+1. Speed 1. 1/1 Attack..
Due to two handed style spec, Dex and Ambidexterity, HAS no off hand OR on hand Penalty when dual wields.
Long bow W/flight arrows d6 dam, 70/140/210 range, 2/1 rate fire, or
W/sheaf arrows d8 dam, 50/100/170 range Thac0 16.

Equipped with: (built with 550gp)
On light war horse - Saddle, blanket, bit and bridle, horse shoes, Iron pot
Worn: Cloak of Protection +1, Leather armor, High riding boots, Drawers, Gauntlets of Shielding (new item), Belt with 3 small pouches (Pouch 1 holds 2 vials writing ink, 3 quills and 1 bar of soap, Pouch 2 holds thieves tools, Pouch 3 holds small metal mirror)

Stored in small chest (Kept tied to horse); 2 additional pairs of drawers, 2 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, 1 pair shoes, 2 towels, winter blanket and winter cloak.

In Backpack - Bedroll, scroll case holding 4 sheets parchment, two quivers tied to side (left holds 12 flight arrows, right one holds 12 sheaf arrows), 2 weeks dry rations, whet stone, water skin.

Carries: 3 bags, each holding 10 caltrops, 3 jars each holding 30 marbles. 30ft twine with 4 silenced bells on.

Readied- On hand, Long sword +1/+2 vs magic using creatures. Off hand, Short sword.

Money left : 8 CP, 167gp, 1 sp.
Currently carrying: 56lb. No encumbrance.. 12 move.

Thief skills
Pick pockets- 15% base, +5% racial, +5% dex. No points allocated. 25% overall
Open locks- 10% base,-5 racial, +10% dex, +30% allocated. 45% overall.
Find/Remove traps- 5% base. +45% allocated. 50% overall
Hide shadows- 5% base, +10% racial, +5% dex, +35% allocated. 55% overall
Move silently- 10% base, +5% racial +5% dex, +30% allocated. 50% overall
Hear noise- 15% base, +5 racial, +10% allocated. 30% overall.
Climb walls- 60% base, +5% dex. 65% overall.
Read languages- 0% base. Nothing allocated or bonus. 0% overall.
Last edited by garhkal on Sun Apr 17, 2022 12:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

OK, so we had session 8 today.. Stephen still off, for work. And this morning, just after noon, David texted saying "i am sick, sorry can't make it". So that left Trevor, Pastor Joe and the new guy, Morgan.. Since the group as a whole made a pledge of sorts, that "if 50% of the party of Players can't make it, we canx', that still gave us 3 of 5, so we continued..

Morgan loved it, though it took him a big of time to get back in to the swing of 2e, since he said he's been used to 5e for so long...

So for the party, we had Brother Yoodaz (now under Morgan's control), Jerry and Betty (under Trevor), Joth and Brand (relegated to guarding the 9 pack of gnoll females), Gabriel and Oog (under Pastor Joe's control) and lastly Focht/Anastasius.. ... They joined Brand and Joth for the most of the session, in the background..

As of last session, Joth succeeded in his System shock roll, to halve his bed rest (four days), Jerry also succeeded (three days), but Focht failed, so needed a Full week! So the group spent that week doing other stuff...
During the down time, Brother Yoodaz took the chance to go around the ENTIRETY of sub-levels 2 and 3, popping off occasional "Detect evil, Detect pits, detect poisons, and a few other spells, to see if
A) the party had missed anything, and B) if anything was poisonous.. Other than a ping from some of the large mushrooms, in a small grove up on sub-level 2, which though didnt really have poison, but are known (or suspected to be inedible to human stomachs), nothing came to him.. however Morgan played him as a knowledge seeker to the hilt here.

After satisfied that they had gathered everything up, it was time to find out 'what exactly was down that area, where the Shaman was noted to have gone, to dispose of bodies...

They found the tracks easily enough, with Gabriel succeeding on a Nat 1, to track, and came to where the secret door was, but No matter how they tried, they just couldn't seem to open it..

Then Jerry remembered his studies, that some times doors can get locked, via magic... So he searched through both of the witch doctors notes in their spell books, and found a word wrote in gnoll, which was a command word for the Wizard lock holding the door closed..

Gabriel was first through, after opening it, and set off the Glyph of warding (lighting, 6d4 damage), that fried him rather nastily... This alerted the Ghouls and Ghasts inside, "Someone's come to dinner".. Of the # inside, 3 Ghouls and 1 Ghast initially came out, Oog got paralyzed, then so did Betty. Jerry, Brother Yoodaz and Gabriel however, defeated them, with Jerry, still using the "wand of Flame Gout that he took off Focht (to use with his permission, IF Focht is out of action only). Using a two charge blast, he fried several of the Ghouls and finished OFF the Ghast. The gang then held their position, till Betty got freed, as Oog had the longer time of it (since he got bit by the Ghast!).

Several other Ghouls and Ghasts came to investigate, and the wand, once again proved a savior for the party, but that time only Gabriel got paralyzed, as even WITH more hits coming into the party, their saves were VERY GOOD.... While this was going on, Brother Yoodaz stood behind the 3 melee guys, and healed as needed, till he reached his limit for cures for the day.. After the 2nd Ghast fell, the remaining 2 Ghouls fell back, morale broken.. The gang waited till Gabriel got unfreezed, and then proceeded to follow them.. Locating the two, lots of skeletal remains, the 3 skulls of their fallen comrades, and a # of coffins, 2 of which were smashed..
After the last 2 Ghouls were taken out, the gang set to locating treasure, looting and such, finding a # of potions, scrolls, and a magical hammer...

They took everything up to the highest level of the tower's basement, while waiting to get Focht out of his bed rest, to start doing some Identifying of gear, (along with Brother Yoodaz using his Discernment spell, which is specific to priests of Save'k'nor).

During this time, Jerry, took up studying one of the two captured enemy mage spell books.. He tried but failed to learn identify, but he forgot he was currently at his max he can know anyway.. He then tried and succeeded at Knock and Detect invisibility. BUT luck was not with him, when he tried to learn stinking cloud as he rolled a 00, so can't EVER learn it! OUCH. It was just before Focht came too, that Betty got a Psionic knocking on her brain, from the same dwarf, who contacted the group a while back, which is when Betty, Focht and Anastasius came to the island.
Since his 'patrol; had finished up with their wanderings, and were now in the city of Escormian, with a group of other NPC's sent by the Crown, to wait for a ship to finish it's sailing from the Capital itself, to the Coastal town of Porca (as it was one of the MORE seaworthy ships the crown has), he let Betty know "there are reinforcements coming, a Six pack of Dwarven Sharpshooters, a two pack of elven archers, a six pack of human spearmen, a four pack of dwarven heavy infantry, two priests, and a 'group leader', along with a # of carpenters, laborers and others, that IF everything went to schedule, the group could see the ship arrive on the island, (assuming it doesn't sink), by the End of November.. Almost four full weeks out...
However the new "expedition" did have some orders already, for what to do when they get to the island, however, wait for info from those there, before setting about doing anything..

So the group as a whole discussed what they could DO with these reinforcements, and felt that rebuilding up Fort forgotten was a waste of time, and it would be better to build in and around the Existing tower, as it seemed safer.. For now at least... BUT that would also depend on the orders that group had, as to whether Their idea would be better than what the crown has set up.. OR could those orders, be 'Mutable"..

After Focht came too, they set about doing some Identifying. (By this time 8 days has now passed).
By this time the party had;
a lot of potions
5 scrolls
several suits of armor (though the Gnoll size ones they didn't care about)
A magical flail
a magical tome
a magical war hammer
Jerry's dagger
a Necklace
Oog's two handed sword (they took off that group of Keprhinn back in session 3 or 4)... to go through.

Focht went first, having 40%. He succeeded on Jerry's dagger (it's just a +1), The necklace (it was similar to a brooch of shielding, to absorb magic missiles, so jerry took that), and one of the potions (a Stone giant strength potion), which went to Betty.
He failed on the tome..
Then Yoodaz went with his Discernment spell. He had 9 items he could do, failed four of the items, and rolled a 99, for Oog's sword (thinking its a good berserker sword).. BUT he succeeded on the Tome.. It's a Libram of Training (and it has FOUR uses!!)... And a gem (It was an Ioun stone, just the one, that raises Con by +1, Oog claimed that)..
Of the first group of three scrolls, one was a Priest scroll spell (Two Cure critical wounds, a Champions strength, Control wind and a Raise dead, cast at 10th level), which went to Joth.
The other 2 were mage spells.. One a Haste, a Lightening bolt, and Wraith form (cast at 8th), which went to Focht. And one which had Two knocks and Two flaming spheres (also cast at 8th level) which Jerry claimed.
The 2nd batch of scrolls had a scroll protection from Acid, unclaimed right now. And a 3rd mage spell scroll, with Two Ice storms (at 9th level casting). Also which went unclaimed..

The Focht spent a 2nd pearl, and did several other items, learning that the hammer is a "Hammer of Bolts", one of the suits of leather, was +2 studded, which oog Claimed, to replace his lost suit of armor from when he was captured..
Of the Other potions, taste testing revealed a total of TWO elixirs of health (ONE GOT 'chugged' by Oog, healing him of his PTSD like insanity), Two extra and one regular healing potions, a heroism potion (which iirc Gabriel claimed), and lastly a Neutralize poison potion. Most of which went unclaimed for now, but was given over to Yoodaz to carry.

Now knowing reinforcements are enroute, the group decided to go ahead and USE The Libram of training, to level up Oog (who got locked in level till he trains to 4th, as of the end of Last session), THEN DO JOTH, since HE has been locked in level till HE trains to 4th as a priest, for 3 games now!!).. However, Oog rolled only a 4 for hp, so gained six more with his normal Con bonus.. While this went on, Oog used Two of the Gnoll war bows for parts, to make himself a new strength bow..

With a good 3 weeks now, of the 5 or so they had to wait, till the reinforcements get here, they decided to finish clearing out the random encounters, SOUTH OF THE large central forest, where the tower was.. So went off East, to where they heard rumors of baddies...

They encountered the first batch of them, Four Ghouls led by one Ghast, when the group was camping for the night.. This battle saw the demise of their last doggy, Zeb the war dog, who after getting paralyzed, got then hit in the AOE of that wand of Flame gout, and became bbq k9!... The group laughed it up out of character "so we wondered how good bugbear tastes, what of BBQ dog!"... it didn't take much to track them back to the south/east coastline (where it kind of forms a L), where they had their lair, killing THAT batch of Ghouls and Ghasts, and looted it..
They finished off their patrol, grabbed the ENTIRE group and went down to the southern coastline, to wait on the new group of folks to show up..

4 days POST their hopeful scheduled time, the ship came in.. BEACHING, and looking like total and utter crap.. Two of its three masts were almost broken, and it was listing a good 8 degrees to starboard, due to a hole in the side...

They got the folks off, discussed the crown's plans, and thought, yea Building some towers HERE, to help secure the beach front, would be good for now, SINCE THE SHIP NEEDS to be repaired before it can head back. BUT with over a dozen carpenters, and TWO engineers, that shouldn't take too long... Hopefully...
They will, once it gets fixed, send brother Yoodaz back, with the nine female Blue-fur Gnolls, to make a full on report of what the recent happenings are.. THEN head to Fort forgotten, to get IT back up to snuff.. BUT they hope while That is going on, Brother Yoodaz can convince the Crown's representative that is in Escormian, that the plan of doing a Hadrians like wall, on the southern coast, then slowly going northward, doing the same 2-3 more times, is foolish, will prove some fruit, so the PARTY can nix the crowns orders for this group of laborers..

Amongst that group, was Morgans actual character.. He's dumping Yoodaz as a back up, and Rolled up stats for his PROPER back up..

This is where we called it for the night.. Since next session would be the 16th, Easter weekend AND David would be out of town for family, the gang said too a man, Kick it BACK a week, till the 23rd... So i let both dave AND stephen know of this.. Dave is good.. Just waiting on Stephen to respond...
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

With 19 charges, so far used from Focht's wand, and only 22 charges total (though he doesn't know that), they are fretting over, should they keep using it, or should they hold off, till they can try to recharge it...
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Re: Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

And his back up character,
Name: Narilla. Race: Half elf (30%xp penalty)
Class: Priest of Sehanine Moon-bow Level: 3rd priest
Sex: F Height: 5ft 5 (65 inches) . Weight: 113lb Age: 20
HD: D6 (+1/lev con). HP:
HP rolls:
Alignment: Neutral Good.
XP: Built at 5,000xp (Good for 3rd lev) Needed: 6,000xp (L4P).

ATTRIBUTES: (rolls 17, 15, 15, 14, 13, 12, 15, 14, 11, 8, 9, 7)
Strength 14. 55lb weight, 170lb max press, 7% bend bars 8 open doors.
Dexterity 12. No mods
Constitution 15. +1hp/hd. 90% system shock. 94% resurrection.
Intelligence 15. Bonus language/prof slots 4.
Wisdom 17. +3 mental save bonus. +2/+2/+1 spells.
Charisma 13. +1 loyalty, 5 henchmen.

Weapon Proficiencies: 2 base +1/4 levels (3). Free - Sickle (from god) Sling (slot 1), Slot 2 Longbow prof (since her god allows)..

Non-weapon proficiencies: 4 base +1/3 levels (5). Free - Herbalism, Healing. Slot 1 and 2 pushed onto healing (adding +2 to the check), Slot 3 and 4, done same for Herbalism. 1st bonus int modern languages common, 2nd bonus int read/write elf. 3rd bonus int spell craft, 4th bonus int Religion. 3rd level slot - Navigation.

Combat info. Worn +1 chain mail, small shield. AC 3 (4 without shield).
Thac0 20.
Sickle d4+1/d4, Speed 4. 1/1 attack.
Sling (with stones), 6 speed, d4/d4 damage, 40/80/120 range. 1/1 rate fire.

Equipped with: (built with 220gp)

On riding horse - Horse shoes, saddle, blanket, bit and bridle, and tied to it is large chest.

Stored in large chest - Common robe, spare pair shoes, 2 spare drawers, 2 shirts, 2 pants, and set of towels.

Carried - Back pack holding 2 map cases, 2 small sacks, small tent, healers bag, bedroll, 2 weeks dry rations (one map case holds six sheets parchment). Sling, Water skin.

Worn - Belt with 3 small pouches (Pouch one holds 2 quills and six sticks of incense, Pouch 2 holds 2 vials of writing ink and 2 bars of soap, Pouch three holds small metal mirror and 28 sling stones). Ring of Fire resistance. Chain mail +1, small shield, cap, drawers, good cloth cloak, riding boots,

Stored - Sounding horn, incense boat

Readied - Sickle.

Money left : 2 gold, 8 silver and 4 copper.
Weight - 52,76lb. Non encumbered. 12 move.

Spells 2 (+2) first, 1 (+2) second.

[edited to add in Longbow prof]
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Re: CJ for Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

So, session 9 is in the bag.. Returning after the Easter break, we played today (and will play next Saturday to get back on schedule).. however, Stephen and David were still absent, so we had Morgan playing Alarian, and Narilla. Pastor Joe playing Gabriel and Oog (he also took over playing Brand). And Trevor playing Jerry and Betty (and he took over playing Focht for the session)..

We last left the gang after they just greeted the new comers to the island, and had the long discussion about battle plans, fixing the boat and the like. Oog took to making a bow of quality for Brand (bonus to hit), while Gabriel, Alarian and others took a few weeks to make arrows.. All in all, they crafted up 102 new sheaf arrows (and depleted their stock of arrow heads doing so). While this was going on, Jerry, Focht, Betty and one of the carpenters, took off to the tower to get the main door replaced (this took 5 days total, 7 with travel time), then he hit it with a Wizard lock, after learning it, from the 2nd gnoll witch doctor's spell-book. (HE will eventually, once he gains the proper inks, copy it into his own spell-book).. While this was going on, the others kept up their arrow making fest.. Eventually the door was on, and a 2nd door downstairs got wizard locked too
Need to find out, WHY Wizard lock has no 'password can pass through' function, like with Glyphs of warding
After this was all done (and the ship fitters had 2 more weeks left of work, Brand, Gabriel, Betty, Focht, Jerry and Narilla, took to doing a north-eastern patrol, figuring out they had done all they could to clear out the southern half of the island... 4 days into this trek, near dusk, an Eerily looking black bolt of lightning, struck down, sundering a large boulder near where the party were going to be making camp, and out of that bolt, popped in Five Korazid (Devil dogs, another new beastie of mine). Not knowing what the heck was going on, Betty was surprised but the rest were on guard.. Two of the dogs were also surprised..

Battle was enjoined by all sides, when Gabriel struck one full on with both his long sword and short sword... AND noticed, the slashing attack, BARELY scratched the beast, while the piercing of the short sword barely did any better.. This befuddled him.. Magic missiles from Focht, and a blindness from Jerry flew, damaging one, but failing to blind another of the beasts. it took a good long while, but after a # of hits, the party started realizing, slashing attacks did bupkiss, piercing not much better. BLUNT attacks though, worked well.. So Betty's maul ruled the day.. However, Four of the party were suffering from the poison of the beasties... AND they realized, Grankhul, the Bugbear deity that Jerry peeve off, must have sent these beasts.. So once the battle was done, he flipped the sky, a few birds....

Two days later, the party had their camp rumbled into by a five pack of Z-throk undead.. Narilla was unsure what was what, but her feeble attempt to turn barely would have succeeded for Zombies, let alone even base level Ghouls... So it didn't even make the Z-throk flinch. Jerry got the scare of his life, when his burning hands spell, not only did no damage, but made the beast he was fighting, SMILE....This battle was brutal for the party, with Gabriel and Narilla both going into the negatives, AND Both Betty and Brand suffering lots of damage...
I had to prompt them to remember what newly acquired magic they had, that may help out!!!
Jerry handed Betty the potion of heroism he was carrying from Joth, while Focht first off, used the one Lightning bolt spell, then the Haste spell from the magical scroll they looted from the Gnolls and Flinds under the tower.

Narilla helped out VERY much, using his herbalism and healing skills, to greatly assist the party.. AS they needed it!.. Also a potion of Extra healing got used up.

Later on, while finishing off Gabriel's bed rest the party got rumbled into by a patrol of seven orcs.. Three each of melee/missile regular orcs, and a 2nd level fighter, Patrol leader. A # of rounds into it, ONE leader dead, two archers blinded (and eventually knocked out by Betty), one melee guy dead, two others ready to get taken out, and the last archer fled.. MORALE broke badly.. So Gabriel, being the only one who could speak orcish, told them to surrender, come over for food, and chat for a while (no elves or dwarves, so there was no issue for now)..

Several hours of discussion, some great RP from Pastor Joe's Gabriel, and a # of LUCKILY as hell NPC reaction rolls, and the party had effectively recruited four new men-at-arms! (they will be giving me names later).. Seeing that the info they got from the captured orcs, indicated a largish camp was making fort up north, with at least two other full patrol size groups, and a larger force left in the base camp, the six adventurers thought discression was the better part of valor, and said "let's go back home..
We will keep these four orcs in the tower with Brand (their new leader) and brother Joth, two of the human Men-at-arms spearmen, and one of the human carpenters, and fix up the tower proper.. The Orcs can eventually (HOPEFULLY) Be trained up into L1 fighters by Brand.

However on the trek back, they came across a roaving band of Gnolls, led by a Flind warrior, who's Flind-bar was NASTY!.. Even nastier, was the accuracy of the spells cast by their shaman.. Narilla got taken out of action first, via a Silence, eventually betty got thwakked with a Darkness to her eyes.. His spiritual hammer however, prooved useless, even with him attacking from her rear.

What helped out imensly in this, was the two orc archers they had.. THEY ALONE took out three of the Gnolls, and helped finish off the shaman, when SHE tried to flee...

So now the group's finishing off their travels, with maybe a few days left, before the carpenters on the boat, get their FIRST "Fix it" roll, to see how well they repaired up the boat.
Brother Yoodaz will be sent back home, not just with a briefing, but a list of stuff to shop for.... Including at least a dozen more men-at-arms, and some much needed Spell writing ink, so Focht and Jerry can start copying spells into his spell book.
Jerry also wants to try and research up a spell (once the group finishes off the island and gets back to the mage school), a version of Spectral hand, he can use as a RANGED focal point for his burning hands spell..
[I will have to do some work off line with Trevor on this!]

So all in all, the party had a blast, and much joking.. And now know of yet another new monster....
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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Re: CJ for Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

So after one week, we got back on our normal schedule, for session 10.. Dave was out in W/Va with his kid(s), so i understand why HE had to canx for this weekend (and last), but he says he HOPES to be back next session. Nothing from Stephen...
So Morgan, Trevor and Pastor Joe showed up, so Yet again we had 3 players. Morgan played both Alarian and Narilla, Joe played Oog (or should i say Eugene), and Gabriel, and later on in the session, took out Brother Joth from being 'in the backround', while Trevor played Jerry, Betty and kept playing Focht. (so there were 7 characters for the first two encounters, and 8 for the third)... Pastor Joe took over running Joth.
Brand and Anastasius stayed in the backround, in the tower..

We last left the group off, just before their turn back west, from the coast, where they defeated the Flind led group of Gnolls. They dropped off Focht in the tower, with the four orc "allies" they have now recruited (and Jerry and Brand are wondering what it will take/how long to Not only teach them common, but also to try and turn all FOUR into first level fighters. They can form the base of a Merc company they hope to create. The others went south, checked in with the gang back at the ship. Oog and Alarian finished off their 3rd week of arrow making, crafting another 46 arrows total between them. After checking in, they took a while discussing what to do with the orcs, now they knew another ship load of orcs, supposedly would be making land fall up north, whether to replenish, or switch out with the others, they were unsure.. They wondered "IF that group lost a full patrol, wouldn't those who were to go back, be worried and decide to stay"??

After a few more days, the first repair roll was made, and the main mast is now fully repaired, while the second mast is partially fixed.. Maybe 2 more weeks and the boat should be sea worthy, though this would put it close to late December.. bad sea weather. That alone made the group wonder, "how then are the Gnolls, Orcs and such sailing here", when one of the ship rights said "it depends on what vessel they have, and if they maybe have a sea witch or shaman for some sea god helping out."

After one more day, the group decided to head north again, but this time keep close to the forest edges, and go up west, patrolling that side of house.. They took brother Joth along, to go join the other 2 in the tower...
4 days into the trek, they are now resting and had made camp, roughly in a line with where that bone pit was in the western small forest.. The Same place Jerry used as a dump site, to peeve off Grankhul, one of the two Bugbear gods..
He even joked, Maybe i need to re-visit it, to give him another dose, for sending those devil dogs after us// That night however, on the first watch, the party (consisting of seven souls), got rumbled into by a trio of Kephrinn. One though was surprised, the other 2 noticed the party on their undead senses.. One went for Narilla, the other Betty (Jerry was the third one on watch, but he was also surprised). Narilla got missed, so did Betty by the one wielding a Maul, instead of their standard swords.. Narilla then tried to turn, but failed miserably (only getting a high enough roll to have turned 2hd foes.. no where close enough for Kephrinn!).. Then the battle was on.. Gabriel and Oog both took the brunt of the damage dealt out, including when all three of them went boom for their death blow.. However Alarian took very little damage, due to him not even having been in the blast, thanks to his Tumbling skill
As per the write up for Kephrinn, when they go boom, if someone HAS the Tumbling skill, they can make a roll to try and avoid the damage
. HIS rolls were lucky as he avoided all THREE!.. Focht though wasn't so lucky, and got blown up on by the first one, then smartly BACKED away!..

After recuperating from that battle, they headed over TO the area where the Kephrinn likely came from, Gabriel tracking them, right back to said pit.. Apparently someone may have created them recently, but no sign or evidence of that was found.. There WERE drag marks and fresh skeletal remains in the pit though... Jerry took to gathering up a few skulls, even taking a dump in one.. And the party, including Narilla talked about trying to desecrate it again.. After Jerry did his 'thing' i had him make another save, to see if the god again took displeasure on him. He Failed miserably with a roll of six! That will eventually come back to haunt him!

A few more days passed, and they ventured forth from the northern tip of said forest rumbling into a group of Four Worgs ridden by four Orogs.. Though one Worg (a greater Worg, 5+3hd!) led them, and was rode by a larger Orog.. Battle ensued, and though the Orogs to a man were slain (even the two that tried to flee), only the Greater Worg, of the 'doggies' got slain, the other 3 worgs managed to flee..

That battle however took a big toll on the party, so they retreated back into the forest, rested up, healed then made plans to scout out. Though Oog ran back to the tower alone, to gather up Brother Joth, as they figured two healers is better than one!. Gabriel taking a lead, trying to stay to the forest's shadows, the others 30 or so yards back.. Hoping if they DID see some more, they could hope to try and lure them INTO the woods, where Jerry's spells, and Focht's Web (and stinking cloud) could get used..

Luck (or maybe unluck) was with them, as a 13 pack of Hobgoblins (6 regular Hobs, four L1 fighters, a leader, a shaman and a witch doctor), were Tracking the Worgs it seemed, three of the regulars were surprised, so were two of the L1 types..
Jerry popped off a PH of a dwarf to one side, hoping to lure some to it (and it worked), While the others stayed behind trees (gaining -3 boosts to ac from Cover), and lulled the orcs into coming in.. Swiftly the Shaman got taken out after having a silenced arrow pierce him (the silence was on the arrow head), after Oog lucked out on a save, to pierce him through his Sanctuary spell.. The Witch doctor however proved more of a hassle, as he was both protected via a Mirror image spell, AND a Blur... Though even he was slowly wittled down.. And then got kacked, as he tried to flee. Several others did flee, but five got captured. (three of the regulars, and two of the L1 fighter types)..

Then things got a little comical (i threw in for comedic sake but the group ran with it).. As one of the "surrendering" Hobgobs pulled out a little book from his neck, tied to a piece of cord (kind of like those flip books you some times see kids wear when they may not be all "there" mentally), shouted off a word.. Looked for a few seconds to see if there was a reaction.. Flipped the page, said another word.. Rinse repeat four times, till he flipped to the 5th and last page and said simply "Yield".. To which both Betty AND Oog gave a resounding "YES" and nodded their heads.. At which time all five of the 'capturees' had dropped weapons, to surrender..

The party took them five to the tower. One challenged Oog to a brawl, hoping to earn his freedom (BUT he swiftly lost it).. Brand and Anastasius, along with some one else reminded the party (Hobs are LE, so are more apt to swear oaths and the like, compared to orcs), so Oog took plates of food, got ready to hand them over, after cutting his other hand and holding it out for a 'hand shake'.. Blood bonds???
OOC not knowing if the Hobs would understand that or not, i gave them a base Int check.. Three passed, so agreed.. Two failed, ONE with a nat 20.. He spat at Betty, and promptly got cut down.. The last was the one who challenged Oog..

This is roughly where we left off, with them trying to decide what to do with the Hobs, whether to try and track them to where the others may be (possibly 12 to 13 others may be on the shore somewhere west by north west), reinforced with five OTHER Worgs (most likely 8 now with the three that fled the 2nd fight)..
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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Re: CJ for Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

So doing a rundown of XP, Betty is now ready to level to 4th as fighter, while Jerry is ready to level as a 5th level illusionist!!

So the rundown of the current characters are
Played by Trevor
Jerry 4th lev (ready to train to 5th) human illusionist
Betty 3rd lev (ready to train to 4th) human fighter

Brand 4th lev half elf ranger
Brother Joth 4th lev human priest of Sarajin

Pastor Joe
Eugene (formerly known as Oog), 4th lev human fighter, Barbarian kit.
Gabriel 3rd lev human ranger

Focht, 4th lev human invoker
Anastasius, 3rd lev human psionicist

and Morgan
Alarrian 3rd lev/4th lev full elf fighter/thief
Narilla, 3rd lev priest of Sehanine Moonbow.
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
Citizen of Undermountain
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Re: CJ for Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

One of my five players (dave) is dropping out, something about time with his kid.. SO i can understand.
Stephen's job is keeping them all on some big project, but they hope it will be over by the end of the month of may, so i HOPE that means he's able to get back to gaming in june..
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
Citizen of Undermountain
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Re: CJ for Realms of Kervasis Kalomm.. (2nd ed)

Post by garhkal »

YAY, we got back to gaming after a month off.. Stephen finally was able to show up, so game session 11, had all four core players..
Stephen played brand and Joth, and ran two of the four orcs they had befriended.. Trevor played Jerry and betty (Both locked in earned xp till they level up), and took over running Focht due to David leaving the group. Joe played Oog and Gabriel, and ran both of the hobgoblins they captured, tamed and recruited last session. And lastly Morgan played Narilla and Allarian. Trevor's Step son is looking to join in, but had a bad case of the runs, so Trevor didn't want to bring him today.. BUT hopes he will be good to go next session (the 25th of June).

So the game started, with the gang hold up in the Tower, talking things over with the four hobgoiblins, three of which took the blood oath given by Oog (eugene). almost a full hour got spent, with them discussing things with the hobs, taking over about 'do we wait till the boat is fully repaired (at least 3 weeks off) or take the war canoe back, with Jerry, Betty, Gabriel and Focht, to start doing the negotiations they were wanting (as per that thread i started in 2e, RE the prisoners). They eventually agreed on waiting, since they didn't want to burn the Manual of Training's 2 levels left, worth of levelling up, nor risk the canoe back, for fear of losing gear.
The gang eventually agreed, to hunt down the remaining Hobgoblins, but Brand 'charmed' some vultures, and had brother Joth use speak with animals on them', to have htem fly up, try to locate the Dagon, and figure out it's hunting area, before they all left.

After learning of that, the group went out to the northern tip of the western forest to camp, before they headed off to the beach where they suspected the hobgoblins to be laired at.. During the first watch of the night, they had the ONE rolled for random encounter, a group of five hell hounds, that 'poofed in' via a lightning bolt sundering a tree into shambles...
The battle took its toll, with Gabriel and Allarian taking the most damage (damn their breaths!), however Jerry hit both of his blindness spells he cast (through this and the two other battles, only ONE OUT of ten enemies saved!), but as each hell hound died, it "misted" away (going back home), and Jerry said a "maybe i need to go back to that pit, and try to make nice with that Bugbear god so we stop getting these things harassing us!".

The following morning, the party sprung a trap on a group of Hobgoblins out from the main camp, two archers, one melee for the 3 regulars, one shaman one berserker and one L1 actual warrior... Three of the gang were on Worgs, but due to Excellent rolls, a great plan and piss poor saves on my part, the battle was practically over in 3 rounds, with only two folks in the party having been hit, for barely 6hp of damage total.. They captured the L1 warrior, but two of the three worgs got away.

They interrogated this one, as he spoke elvish, and made the same offer as they had to the other four they captured a while back, however he is unwilling to align with them, as long as his shaman and group leader, along with the 'white wolf' (an albino worg of large stature, with nasty teeth) was still alive..

They made their plans to attack the lair where the last almost dozen enemies were, (inc worgs), but due to the Familiar the hobgob witch doctor had doing some scrying on them, and ALL of them failing to notice it, the enemy got alerted, and made preps.. Two protection from goods were cast (one on the leader, the other on the WD), the WD hit himself with a Shield spell, and a "Cat's grace" (a spell from Combat and tactics, that does for Dexteriyty, what the Strength spell does for Str!). The shaman also hit the L1 guy with an Aid spell, to boost his Health and thac0.

The gang (all 9 of them with two orcs and two hobs, making 13 total vs 13 enemy), crested the edge of the beach line, seeing the enemy arrayed.. Thinking to fire one round of arrows, then flee, hopin to draw the enemy off, their tactics were sound, IF THEY KEPT to it. The leader popped an Arrow of "Confusion" into Allarian (he failed, so had 7 rounds of being confused). The WD hit Jerry with a melf's acid arrow, and the shaman was going to cast his hold person but a crossbow bolt of stinking, fired by Focht, foiled that (HE got a nat 20 to hit the shaman's square, showering that 5ft globe with a Stinking cloud like effect)..
A # of rounds went by, and the leader, AND HIS white worg, were essentially taken out of action, failing a save vs blindness (though his blind fighting negated half the penalties), then Joth hit the Worg's ring mail barding with a heat metal.. After jumping off (made his land riding check), the leader tried to cut the straps of the barding, to free the worg from the damage of the HM), but got held, WITH hand STILL HOLDING ONTO the barding!.. The Shaman got pin cushoned with arrows, several Hobs the same, and eventually the party easily beat out the enemy, even tracking down the witch doctor while invisible, as he had an arrow stuck in him spurting out blood....

All in all, great tactics, and poor rolls on my part, led to a relatively easy two wins for the party.. The dice giveth and the dice taketh...

They captured one more hobgoblin, and a worg, and after asking "Can we get even just a 10% chance of it being pregnant (hoping to raise some worg pups), rolled a 03%!! So yes it was and was a female!.. Only one cub though... 7 more weeks of gestitation.

This will give Gabriel and Brand something to train, once it's born!...

WE left the session after they claimed all the loot, cast one det magic (gaining a suit of magical chain from the leader along with four arrows, two scrolls one from the shaman and one from the witch doctor, and some much needed spellbook writing ink. One pot for 1st level spells, and one for 2nd level....).

Now to wait till the ship's finished being repaired (its now mid December, so will be repaired by early Jan), and hope they can sail it back home to Porca)!
It's not who you kill, but how they die!
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