
I'd like to take the time to thank several people who've made it possible for me to present this page and bring these awesome but almost forgotten toys to light.

First, I'd like to thank David Villiard for letting me use the photos of his collection. Without these, the site would not exist. Thanks Dave!

Secondly, I'd like to thank Ray Castile for showing these pictures in the first place, on his excellent Gallery of Monster Toys site. If you haven't been there yet, and you like monsters, you need to go there NOW! :-) Ray's site is the only other place I know of on the internet that has information on these toys. Some of the pictures used on my page are the same ones David Villiard donated to Ray for his page, but on some of them I've blown them up for a closer look. Thanks Ray, not only for your excellent site, but for getting me in touch with David.

Finally, I'd like to thank Hasbro for having the courage to make a toyline so different than what they are famous for (GI Joe) and for providing us with one of hte most unique and fun toy collectibles ever made!


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