AD&D Poll

Discussion of OOP 1st & 2nd Edition products and rules, ie TSR AD&D material.

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AD&D Poll

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

I thought it would be fun to do a poll, which we don't do often. Here's the question(s):

Favorite Edition (OD&D, Basic, 1E, 2E, etc)
Favorite Class (any edition)
Favorite Race
Favorite Adventure (module, box set, etc)
Favorite Game Supplement (non-adventure)
Favorite D&D Related Product Cover (art)
Favorite Artist (D&D Related)
Favorite Pantheon
Favorite God/Deity
Favorite Campaign Setting/Game World
Favorite Monster
Favorite NPC
Favorite Magic Item

I'll start off:

Favorite Edition - Given a choice, I prefer my personal blend of 1E and 2E. Forced to choose from specific editions, 1E for sure.

Favorite Class - Druids are my favorite class (concept wise), and I favor the 1E druid over the 2E druid. However, I sometimes prefer playing a ranger (a close second favorite).

Favorite Race - Kagonesti Elf

Favorite Adventure - Ruins of Undermountain (seriously, did anyone expect me to pick anything else? LOL!)

Favorite Game Supplement - FR10 Old Empires. Although Drow of the Underdark is a very close second.

Favorite D&D Related Product Cover - I can never decide between the cover of Temple of Elemental Evil, the cover of I3-5 Desert of Desolation, and the cover of FR10 Old Empires. I can flip a coin most days. I guess Temple of Elemental Evil is the most evocative of the game feel for me, so I'll give that one the thumbs up. But it's almost like asking which of your children you love most.

Favorite Artist - This one is another nearly impossible one. Jeff Dee and Bill Willingham are both just so awesome and bring back such nostalgia and evoke such a powerful mood, I don't know which to pick.

Favorite Pantheon - Egyptian. No, Norse. No, Egyptian. Where's that damned coin?

Favorite God/Deity - Ra the Sun God.

Favorite Campaign Setting/Game World - Forgotten Realms.

Favorite Monster - The tirapheg. Ok, just kidding. The flumph. Ok I'm giddy. Definitely a dragon. Dragons are awesome, they're THE monster for AD&D. Probably gonna go with a white dragon as my favorite. Ghosts would be a very close second, as would demons.

Favorite NPC - Halaster Blackcloak! Duh! Szass Tam is a very close second.

Favorite Magic Item - Wand of Orcus.
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Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Damn. For favorite cover, there's also H2 Mines of Bloodstone. Just too hard to pick one.

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Post by Beowulf »

I'll need a little time think about this one! Good question, though.
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Post by Mira »

Favorite Edition (OD&D, Basic, 1E, 2E, etc)
I had the most fun playing 1E, though 2E elements did enter as well. 2E made things too generic at first, though later they did make things more diverse.

Favorite Class (any edition)
That's a tough one for me, I love the spellfilcher (elf mage/thief class) from 2E, but I played my rogue for so many years, and my 1E druid for almost as long (though not as often).

Favorite Race
I pretty much stick with the elves, half-elves and humans.

Favorite Adventure (module, box set, etc)
As a GM, Caverns of Tsocanth was a blast, I never run things per the module, and was able to run this a 2nd time for the same group without them realizing it was the same module :D

Favorite Game Supplement (non-adventure)
The Free City of Haven. hands down :) (just wish they had published the 3rd and last part)

Favorite D&D Related Product Cover (art)
I honestly can't think of them, I'm NOT a visual person at all. While I do like art related to the adventure, book covers are not something I remember.

Favorite Artist (D&D Related)
If I have to pick one, I'll go with Jeff Easley, just because I met him at GenCon and he drew a picture of Jon's favorite character (a dwarven fighter) inside his 2E DMG. He was amazing to watch, it literally took him about 10 minutes at most to create a detailed drawing (the whole inside of the cover) with pencil, then ink it with pen.

Favorite Pantheon
We used a lot of them, I guess Greek would be the favorite. Egyptian would be second.

Favorite God/Deity
I'd probably have to go with Meiliki, from the Babylonian mythos, just because my druid paid homage to her. The more religious of my characters tended to worship oddball gods peculiar to the GM's setting.

Favorite Campaign Setting/Game World
I'll have to go with the one I created with my players :D
But of the published ones, FR, I just couldn't get into Greyhawk.

Favorite Monster
Drow, I used them often against the PCs. So easy to beef them up with magic items that the PCs wouldn't be able to use :D (I had come up with my own version of them before seeing any published material. I did eventually adopt the changes introduced)

Favorite NPC
For me, it would be the Dimension Lord, a being in MY world. In my world, even gods couldn't time travel, the Dimension Lord could. Even though he was mortal, the gods respected him for that ability.

Favorite Magic Item
I guess I'd have to go with the Handy Haversack, you could hold a lot of stuff without being weighed down and it would be at your hand when you wanted it. (similarly, Cantrip is my favorite spell, it's just so USEFUL for everyday stuff)

Mira (How come Superman could stop bullets with his chest, but always ducked when someone threw a gun at him?)
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