General information about the Ruins of Undermountain

Public discussion of the extensive development of new levels in the Ruins of Undermountain.

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Halaster Blackcloak
Lord of Undermountain
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General information about the Ruins of Undermountain

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Since we're expanding into Undermountain, I figured I'd list what's already been established in regards to Undermountain and the people in it.

It all started with the first boxed set, The Ruins of Undermountain. That set introduced us to the dungeon as almost its own campaign setting, although it was actually part of the Forgotten Realms setting. It detailed the origin of Undermountain, gave us information on its creator, Halaster Blackcloak (hey, that's me! :wink: ), and provided information on several apprentices, namely Arcturia, Trobriand, and Muiral. The box set came with maps covering all of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Level 3 includes the area known as Skullport, a den of iniquity deep in the underhalls.

Shortly after the release of the Ruins of Undermountain, Dragon Magazine published an article dealing with Skullport. Skullport had been mentioned but not detailed in the first box set. It introduced characters such as Shradin Mulophor, the ruler of Skullport and ally of Halaster.

Eventually a second box set was released. The Ruins of Undermountain II detailed Level 5: Muiral's Gauntlet, and Level 6: Trobriand's Graveyard. It also detailed two sub-levels (one unnamed, one called Wyllowwood).

After that there were 3 shorter adventure modules dealing with Undermountain.

The Lost Level detailed another of the many sub-levels, Maddgoth's Castle detailed yet another sub-level, and finally Stardock covered one more sub-level, this one linked to Realmspace.

Finally, there was a decent sized book released as an accessory dealing with Skullport in some detail. It was called, aptly, Skullport.

That covers what's been released as far as published material for Undermoutain. What follows are some specifics on the material.

As detailed in the original boxed set, the Ruins of Undermountain consist of 9 major levels and at least 14 sub-levels. Sub-levels are smaller areas branching off of or connected to the larger, main levels.

Here is a list of the levels as they appear, starting with the uppermost level and going deeper down the list.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3 - Skullport

Level 4 - Farm Level

Level 5 - Muiral's Gauntlet
Level 6 - Trobriand's Graveyard
Level 7 - Arcturia's Abode

The Dark Levels - 14 sub-levels (includes Lost Level, Maddgoth's Level, Crystal Labyrinth/Stardock, Wyllowwood, Adventures)

Level 8 - Slime Level

Level 9 - Halaster's Lair

The Realms Below

Level 1 is the "starter" level with the most entrances to the upper world. Level 2 is perhaps even more convoluted than Level 1, but it also features larger rooms in general. Level 3 is often referred to as Skullport, even though Skullport dominates just part of the south section of that level. Level 3 covers twice the area of Levels 1 or 2, and it fills two full poster-sized maps as opposed to one each for the first two levels.

Levels 1-3 were at least partially developed in the original Ruins of Undermountain box set.

Level 4 is mentioned in the Ruins of Undermountain box set (original), but it was never developed. It's generally referred to as The Farm Level. This huge expanse of caverns hosts the various "farms" needed to produce food for the various monsters, apprentices, allies, and denizens of Undermountain.

Level 5 is called Muiral's Gauntlet and it is dominated by Muiral, one of Halaster's original apprentices. Muiral is freakish, having the body of a man from the waist up, but the lower body of a spider with a scorpion's tail attached. Frightening! This level was developed (though very poorly) in the second box set, Ruins of Undermountain II.

Level 6 is called Trobriand's Graveyard, and it was also developed in the second box set (and was as great a disappointment as Muiral's Gauntlet). Trobriand is one of the two most powerful of Halaster's apprentices, and specializes in creating metallic monsters such as scaladar.

Level 7 has never been developed, but we can assume that it would be dominated by Arcturia, the only living apprentice of the original seven who has not yet been given a level to dominate. We decided to make Level 7 Arcturia's own playground, and we're calling it Arcturia's Abode.

The Dark Levels are an area of confusing sub-levels connected to the main levels below Level 7. So far, there have been 6 sub-levels developed: The Lost Level, Maddgoth's Castle, Crystal Labyrinth/Stardock, Wyllowwood, and Adventures. "Adventures" is a nameless area of sub-level detailed in the second box set. It's simply called "adventures" on the map.

The other 9 of the 14 known sub-levels have never been developed and are going to be part of the Back In Print Project.

Below the Dark Levels is Level 8, also known as The Slime Level. This is a disgusting and dangerous level filled with various oozes, slimes, jellies, molds, and puddings. The demon lord Juiblex and his cult have a strong presence there.

Deeper still is Level 9, aka Halster's Lair or The Lair of the Mad Mage. This is Halaster Blackcloak's own private level, and by far the most dangerous.

Below all this are caverns leading into the Underdark, known as The Realms Below. This area will remain undeveloped for now.

So, that's a summary of what exists in Undermountain.

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