Low-cost way to print the maps!

Public discussion of the extensive development of new levels in the Ruins of Undermountain.

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Halaster Blackcloak
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Low-cost way to print the maps!

Post by Halaster Blackcloak »

Well everyone, Doirche came through with a fantastic find! We have a source that can print up the poster maps for RoUII: The Deadly Levels at a very low cost! :D

Kinko's quoted him $12 per square foot and quoted me $8 per square foot. I guess it depends on which city you're in or something. But even if I had them printed up here at the local Kinko's at the $8/sq.ft. price, that would come to $36.82 for the Level 7 map and $73.64 for the double-sized Level 8 map. Then you gotta remember there's another full sized sub-level map coming, so that brings it up to $147.28 to print all 4 maps! :shock:

If you're in an area where it's $12/sq.ft., that means $220.80 to print all 4 maps! :shock: :shock: Ouch!

Well, Doirche found a place that can print them up from the PDF file for a lot less. Here it is:


Here's the price list:

http://www.shop.gamer-printshop.com/cat ... egoryId=10

The price for a single-sized Undermountain map is just $18, and for a double sized map it's $36. So if you print all 4 maps for RoUII: The Deadly Levels, that comes to just $72 total. About half the price!

What's cool is that they can add lamination for the single maps for $6 and for the double map for $12.

What's even better is that unlike Level 3 from the original box set, the double-sized map for Level 8 can be printed as one giant map! No Forgotten Realms border cutting in-between to throw off the visual aspect. Nice! :twisted:

So thanks, Doirche, for this cool find! I'm definitely going to be printing up the maps for myself. I'm also going to have the text stuff printed up in color and bound, and then I'm making a box for it so I can store it with my other box sets! :D
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Post by McDeath »

Be sure to take pictures of each box next to each other from various views (front, back, sides, top/bottom).
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Post by Xyzchyx »

Wow, that's quite a find Hal. If I bought a pdf map from rpgnow.com, would they print it up for me in large format, or will they only print stuff that comes directly from the copyright holder? No mention of whether or not their costs include shipping, or how much they charge for international shipping.

Post by Doirche »

They will print anything you send to them.

I hear ya on the shipping and handling, I need to investigate that myself.

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